baby golden retriever


My sister works in a pet store, and I heard that there are golden retrievers in the store now. Just happened to take her to work that day, so I stopped by to see the dog~ When I got to the store, my sister said that the dog was in the back room and asked me to open the door to see it myself. When I opened the door, my heart melted! Because I never thought that it was still a baby, and there were only three, it was so cute!

As soon as I released the three puppies, they circled around me and licked wildly when I picked them up. I finally experienced the passion of dogs! (I think my dog has never treated me like this since he was a child.) As expected, there is nothing that a puppy can't cure. At that time, I really felt that it was three times as happy~ But after playing for a while, they started to run around each other. He eats everything he sees, and urinates everywhere. 😭 The scene was a little out of control at one point, my sister and I were too busy to stop them three. The triple happiness just now turned into a triple trouble in an instant 🙂 In the end, the only way to deal with the mess is to collect them one by one.

The little golden retriever is only two months old, but the amount of hair is very thick, and the small claws are also quite large. Sure enough, the skeleton of the big dog is very thick to hold~ The small meat ball is black and looks very... ...advanced? Ha ha ha ha

I call this one Li Ronghao, the little eyes are too similar~ When I came back, I showed my mother the photo, and my mother said that it was the same as me, and my eyes were not big, but I was too embarrassed to say that other people's eyes were small. Well, it's my mother.

The only baby girl, but very lively and full of energy. It didn't sound like a puppy at all.

This time, I didn't take any pictures while I was playing with the little guys. In the future, when economic and environmental conditions permit, I will definitely raise a large dog because I really like it~


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夏芊90后摩羯座女孩 最近忙很少上线,发了文章就下了。 不过一有空上线时就会回复评论和逐一给大家拍拍回。谢谢那些不离不弃给我拍拍的朋友们~
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