Dharma giving to others is like walking shoes in the water, getting farther and farther away


Dharma giving to others is like walking shoes in the water, getting farther and farther away:

WeChat message: I also asked xx's sister to worship Buddha to help with her studies; guess what; since I told her the method; she was very busy; No contact with me so far. Auspicious fruit: If a person swims in the water, the slippers will follow the waves. The same is true of preaching the Dharma and people. The more the Dharma you give can solve the other party's crisis, the farther the other party hides from you inexplicably. Although there are many reasons, one of the core reasons is that his grievances and creditors do not want him to benefit and deliberately alienate him. Some people interpret this as demonic obstacles, but in essence it is the hindrance of evil spirits . Therefore, before benefiting worldly people, you must first have the ability to settle the evil spirits and karmic obstacles of the other party, and only then can you be able to further benefit the other party. Otherwise, the other party has been living in the "gods and ghosts" and knows his own direction at all. For example, I can save many patients with early stage cancer, but some patients or their family members can’t approach me for some reason when they meet me. For example, my good brother’s father was just diagnosed with liver cancer in 17 years, and I am ready to save all the Buddhadharma. As a result, as soon as I told him about this, he was suddenly interrupted by other things, and repeated many times. The last time I talked to him about his father's Dharma treatment at night, he fell asleep talking and fell asleep. It was late at the end of 2019, and I suddenly remembered my suggestion again, and I arranged a Dharma treatment plan. However, due to the late stage, his father was so weak that he could no longer worship Buddha, and could not actually perform it, so I had to adapt something like He put his palms together, bowing to the Buddha and other methods with weaker blessings (from (Lotus Sutra)), his father performed it for one year and passed away at the end of 2020. The only benefit of this year is that his father said that he performed this year, cancerous parts No severe pain, relief from severe pain from previous years. In his situation, his grievances and creditors prevented him from obtaining the benefits of the Dharma. Therefore, there is a phenomenon in Buddhism, that is, the more you can help the other party, or save the suffering that the other party can't solve, the other party will be farther away from you, and even more serious will cause trouble with you for inexplicable things that are not worth it. turn. I have a lot of experience with that, so as soon as you talk about that kid, I know right away.



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