I can only ask the legislators for help in the record of life l work permit oolong incident (2)


The timing of it was embarrassing because it happened on a Friday afternoon, so I had to spend two miserable weekends just to get on with it.

On Monday morning, I called the undertaker again. He still said in an arrogant and disdainful tone: "No, no, no."

I asked him, "Then do I have a channel to appeal?" His arrogant tone remained the same: "Who are you going to appeal to?" In the end, I was really irritated by the attitude of the undertaker. Don't be long-winded, hang up the phone, and immediately frantically ask legislators for help.

But I am actually not sure about asking the legislators for assistance. As a foreigner, even though I pay taxes obediently, I don't have the right to vote. In the political environment of "vote first", I dare not ask the Legislative Council to help me deal with this matter. I had no choice but to shoot birds at random, and made a lot of calls to different legislator offices, hoping that a legislator would be able to help me. But I thought I was lucky. Later, a friend helped me introduce a lawyer from the Legislative Council's office, and the lawyer quickly contacted me.

The lawyer responded to me the day after the first contact. He intends to invite relevant departments to hold a coordination meeting on whether foreigners can perform psychologist work in the university. I think it's pretty stupid. After all, I have a professional technician certificate issued by the Taiwan government, and the university is also a legal and legal practice registration agency, but I still have to work with teachers to hold a meeting to coordinate a matter that is originally in compliance with regulations. However, I can only cooperate obediently.

Later, I carefully read the "Foreigners Engaged in Employment Law" again, and also carefully checked the history of the laws and regulations. I was surprised to find that in 2017, the Ministry of Labor itself had revised the regulations, changing the "medical unit" in the medical institution to a "legal practice registration institution"; Medical institutions employ foreigners for medical and health care needs, such as: school-based psychologists.” Therefore, “medical institutions” were consolidated into “legal practice registration institutions”. The implication is that as long as it is a legal legal practice registration institution, no matter whether it is a "medical institution" or not, I can still work as a psychologist in that unit.

Even more heinous, I flipped through the "review manual" for work permit review. The latest version of the manual was actually formulated before this regulation was revised! In the past four years, the Ministry of Labor’s own regulations did not know how much it was revised, but they did not update the very important manuals that contractors need to read and refer to! I think it's really exaggerated!

No fuss, just submit the information directly to the lawyer. After all, the revised content has been written like this. If you have to cooperate with the coordination meeting, it is really a waste of time. Later, after the lawyer helped me communicate with the Ministry of Labor, I only needed to make up the documents, and my work permit should be passed.

But it was too late. After all, I had already agreed with my employer that they could find a backup first. But at least it proves that the statement of the undertaker that "I do counseling work at the university is illegal" is wrong.

But I still feel that if the review manual of the Ministry of Labor is not revised, and the contractors will never know the situation, then I or other foreigners will face the same problem when they need to apply for a work permit in the future. Moreover, for the same problem, it is really a waste of political resources to seek the assistance of legislators. Therefore, I also asked the legislators to help supervise the Ministry of Labor to revise the content of the review manual.

It ended more quickly than I thought, and it only took a week.

The ordeal of the weekend

The day after the incident happened, it was Saturday. I was beaten by the staff of the Ministry of Labor, and after one night, I adjusted my mood a little. As everyone knows, I have seen online information that the day when the foreigner leaves the country is the end date of the residence permit, and the residence permit must be renewed on the same day, otherwise it is illegal to stay for more than one day and must leave the country immediately.

I was so panicked that I couldn't. I didn't have time to renew my residence permit on Friday, and the resignation certificate from my former employer hadn't been issued to me, and I couldn't get the documents to renew my residence permit. I was so overwhelmed with anxiety that my colleagues, supervisors, and colleagues in the HR office of the old unit came to help me. But it happened to be stuck on the weekend, all public institutions were closed, and everyone was powerless.

During those two weekends, I was very tormented, and I was not in the mood to pay attention to other things. Even if my friend took me to Xingtian Temple to pay homage that day, and even got a lottery, it still could not appease my anxiety. All I can do is keep checking the regulations to see if I'm breaking the law or if there are other ways that I can continue to be in Taiwan.

I also swallowed my first sleeping pill on Saturday night because I knew that without the help of the medication, I would definitely lose sleep. As long as I am awake, I am bound to face my anxiety constantly.

On Monday morning, I immediately called the immigration office and I was a little relieved after confirming that there was no problem with the residence permit.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Unexpectedly, a seemingly ordinary resignation has caused so much trouble.

Finished on 2022.07.07


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