【TCLin's Travel Log】Life in Japan: Sensoji Temple under the Epidemic 😷😷

Rare, empty Kaminarimon~🏮🏮

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

Time: 2020/04/17

Today, let's share the Sensoji Temple under the epidemic. It is usually difficult to see such an empty situation.

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

Look at the photos above, do you see how empty it is?

In the last few days before returning to Taiwan, I moved from Hakuba to Tokyo to wait for the plane to return to Taiwan.

Because the plane is very easy to change at this time, I stayed in Tokyo for a few days in case of any emergency because Hakuba is quite far from Tokyo

Originally, I didn’t plan to go out because the Japanese I met in Hakuba said that Tokyo is dangerous now, but I ran out in the end because I wanted to say when I would come again next time.

But I am still a little scared, so I didn't use public tools to walk all the way from Nihonbashi, and finally walk all the way back.

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

I haven't opened anything, so I can't write the Mishu seal. It looks like I'll have to find time to go for a walk later.

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

Feel free to watch and shoot at a time that is most suitable for aerial scenes. After all, it’s really hard to see people~😂😂

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

In principle, it is difficult to meet tourists during this period. Eighty percent of the people encountered on the way are nearby residents.

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

After walking around, I was greedy and still bought something, but I just took it back to the place where I stayed to eat.

In the past few days in Tokyo, I almost bought it back to eat and suddenly I miss Japanese sushi so much😱😱

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

Super rare, empty mine door

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

In fact, I thought about whether I should find someone to help me take pictures, but I was still a little scared. After all, everyone said that the epidemic is terrible.

Although I always think that Japanese people think it’s okay, except that they can’t see tourists, they still run and still have a table full of masks during lunch time. Masks are not a must-have for everyone.

In the end, I still feel that it is a pity that I took a selfie, this is a rare opportunity for no one

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

Before the end of the working holiday, it rained the next day when I finally walked around, so I slept until the afternoon and waited for the rain to stop. I went to Akihabara to buy a few dolls. This is the end of my working holiday life in Japan.

◆ Sensoji Temple◆ Source: me

🔴 - Summary

April seems to be the worst time. I originally planned not to come out and wait until the plane came, but then I ran out to see what Japan looks like under the epidemic.

If I hadn't come back from Japan and read the reports from Taiwan alone, I would have mistakenly thought that Taiwan is the place with the worst epidemic prevention in the world, where the epidemic is the most serious.


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