The Monologue of a Lonely Heart, Photo by Cristina Coral


Capture some of the overlooked beings

Cristina Coral is a self-taught Italian photographer, influenced by her father since childhood, music and art have become an integral part of her life. After 2013, she chose to express her world through photography and is currently shooting in Italy, Berlin and Slovenia.

Space and form, reality and fantasy, memory and secrets have all become the objects of her recording. The slanted figures, bizarre compositions and filled color blocks in the works will change the visual habits of the viewers and create a kind of extraordinary. Visual experience.

Cristina Coral's subjects focus on female images, but she also tends to capture some of the overlooked existences - the girl in the pink polka-dot skirt gradually melts into the wall behind, the girl deep in the seat is caught in the endless Waiting and bleak girls fade in the room. Cristina Coral captures the subtle changes in these emotions that the viewer perceives intensely.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!