How to fry coins? Game theory? Very high win rate, but very high risk.

After stepping into the currency circle, I found that there are actually too many opportunities to mine gold in it, so I just need to grasp a few key points.

Two cases of 100 times profit

In fact, each period has different ways of playing. At the same time, I have just entered the currency circle. I just share the interesting phenomena I have seen so far. Anyway, this world is more or less a Ponzi scheme, as long as you can distinguish When is it time to wake up , then this title is very sensational, but it is also very true. I just joined the currency circle, and I immediately encountered two cases of 100 times profit, which is much more terrible than stock speculation, because Pang-style The ingredients are bigger, that is, some of the dirt dog games I mentioned to you in my previous article. The first one is Armzlegends , which is what everyone calls the arm , and the second one is the Bnb heroes who have been super popular recently. I also have no one. I discovered this cool project during the report, and even went to play the test server. Let me show you the trend chart of these two hundred-fold games first.

poocoin - Armzlegends

Each K stick on the top represents a day, you can see the arm sprayed to $100 in 9 days, and then fell, and now the project side looks like it is going to run away, so why do you say this is a game , Because first, you have to know who is in the bureau, what they are doing, and what you are doing . There is no fundamental analysis, only human behavior, then Bnbheroes is even more crazy, and it only took 6 days . Hundred times, in fact, judging from the current atmosphere, it is really not that difficult to find the next hundred times, because now in a situation of extreme bubbles, extreme greed, and extreme red sea , it is the master who can sell.

How to do it, and how to face it?

This is definitely not to recommend you to enter the pit, but to tell you to get out of the pit, because if you want to do it all in without any preparation, you want to come in for wealth and freedom, do you think it's your turn? Be sure to do your homework, and then if you're ready, I'll show you how to do it right away.

1. Get information frantically and pick "cool" things:

In fact, the logic is very simple, because I am doing GameFi related, and then I am looking for relevant information, remember, there must be bright spots , and then carefully taste the white paper of the project side, especially the monetary economics , it is better to be more as complete as possible

2. Join the community immediately, and you must be very enthusiastic

After you are optimistic about the project, join their group, and then remember, you must see whether the people in the group are hot or not, how the chat is, and it is very important to see how many people are there. In fact, here I want to talk to people outside the circle. There is one thing that many people say, " If it were this simple, everyone would not have to work. " Yes, this sentence is correct, because what you want without working hard can only be realized in your dreams. You will find that even for popular projects, there are not many people in the group, and the most popular ones are only followed by 700,000 people (worldwide). In fact, some operations are too troublesome, and most people don’t want to touch them at all, so this kind of Only then will there be an opportunity. If everything is simple and can be integrated at the touch of a button, do you think it will still be profitable?

3. Exhausted all efforts to grab the whitelist, and grab the first batch of coins if you haven’t grabbed it

The information is good, the community is also good (it is better to have the attention of the big players in the currency circle), the next step is to "grab resources" , you have to use all means to grab the whitelist , so that your cost is 100% higher than others It is much lower, but it is not guaranteed that you can grab coins if you are not on the whitelist. There will also be some snap-ups between the whitelists. For example, BNBheroes sold out in 30 seconds. Then, if unfortunately you don’t get the whitelist, you have to wait until the moment when you want to send coins to the platform to grab it. Remember to set the slippage a little higher , so that you have a chance to grab it, and as long as the projects you look at are not too birdy, and then the popularity Yes, the winning rate is very high.


Sounds beautiful, right, but it's not easy to do, because when you get the coins, you may not know what to do next, like I'm an idiot who spent all the coins of BNBheroes at first, and the result is a hundred times more I'm out of luck, so I'll suggest

1. If you don't want to play games, you just need to buy coins, just wait until "you earn enough" and sell it. Don't think about how much I have earned less, just earn what you should earn.

2. Those who want to play the game remember the first iron rule: first return the principal and then withdraw the principal before continuing to play . Share the above with you, hope it helps you.

 Finally, to add, echoing the first paragraph, each period has different gameplays. Now GameFi is in a super hot stage, and it may explode at any time. Maybe after the explosion, new gameplays may be extended, so it is definitely not an investment suggestion. , play with the money you can afford to lose, it is not bad to return to zero, and you are determined to participate.

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小塗|保險&理財_乾貨製造機我是小塗,是個大四生!目前在保險經紀人公司發展,歡迎各位嘉賓的來訪。 這裡有粉多好康,談談投資理財、談談保險金融、聊聊思維、聊聊新世界觀。 期許更多人踏入小塗宇宙,泡杯茶,喝杯咖啡,一起靜下來學習。
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