Gender Watch "She will marry sooner or later anyway" my nine-year-old cousin told me


Cousin and cousin are twins, and both came to this world to share milk, toys, and precious childhood time with each other. Because of the large age gap with them, special care is given to them.

During the Chinese New Year, I went back to my hometown for reunion. After the fire in the evening, my relatives assigned me to go out to buy lottery tickets. My cousin also volunteered to join me. On the way, when I saw him taking the initiative to help me carry my bag, I said, "Wow! Why is it so warm?" He replied with the attitude of a little adult, "I'm a boy, I should help girls with heavy things."

"Oh? Then you and your sister shouldn't quarrel often, right?"

"It will, but think about it, she will marry sooner or later anyway, so I can't resist arguing with her."

Hearing such an answer from my nine-year-old cousin, I was stunned for a moment.

Gender Stereotypes in Life

Boys should be strong, rational, and help girls lift heavy objects; girls should be weak and make boys work hard... Gender stereotypes shaped by such generalized prejudices are deeply embedded in our daily lives. Sometimes hidden in the words that are blurted out, it is difficult to detect without paying attention.

From the family level, parents are the primary learning objects of children during their growth period. Whether it is face-to-face communication with children or every move between adults, gender socialization can be transmitted through tangible or intangible ways. For example, the mother is always competent in changing diapers and making milk powder, while the father is lying on the sofa and watching the TV ball game with his feet raised; the daughter who is playing with the doll in the corner is made to cry by the son, and the family responds indifferently " Boys are naughty, don't be angry."

From the school level, the division of cleaning time, the class leader's push, and the role messages conveyed in textbooks silently shape deeper gender stereotypes. With the popularization of the Internet, the filtering of information is far slower than the speed of media dissemination, and the hateful remarks such as "Taiwanese women are not surprised" and "sow teaching" in the ptt villagers forum have exacerbated the phenomenon of sexism, and even everyone All may become a heresy that fuels the flames.

On May 17, 2019, the "Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748 Interpretation and Implementation Law" passed the third reading, marking a new page for gender equality in Taiwan. Under the guise of equality, gender discrimination in the real world still exists: female politicians who take maternity leave are accused of being "busy with getting married and having children", and the current president has been criticized for "having never given birth to children, and I don't know how parents are worried about the health of the next generation" and "decline." Tail check a"...

Gender equality needs more 'sensitivity'

It is often heard that some people use the "feminist buffet" to condemn those who fight for equality in gender issues (not limited to women), and some people think that equality is just a fake issue, there is no need to make a big fuss, even in the modern age of the 21st century, with patriarchal power Dogma spurs attempts to challenge or undermine patriarchal structures.

Regarding gender issues, what we need is to have more "sensitivity", cultivate gender sensitivity, examine the inequalities around us, dismantle the old patriarchal illegal construction, gender dichotomy and gender hegemony, and build a diverse and friendly society .

Boys and girls are no longer two ends of the scale, hatred and hatred are. Gender equality not only brings benefits to women, on the other hand, only by taking off the tinted glasses of patriarchy can men unload the burden of traditional concepts and get real freedom.

I took my bag from my cousin, and I will tell you the rest when he grows up!


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VenusFree Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free
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