【TCLin's Travel Log】Malaysian Attractions: Burmese Buddhist Temple

🔴 - is the only Burmese Buddhist temple in Penang

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

Location: Penang
Transportation: By car
📝 - Burmese Buddhist Temple <br class="smart">Established in 1800, it is the only Burmese Buddhist temple in Penang and the oldest Southern Buddhist temple in Malaysia.

Directly opposite is introduced yesterday - Thai Buddha Temple

◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I

Of course, the building has a strong Burmese style.
(Actually, I haven’t been to Myanmar yet~~😅)

◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I
 The architectural style of the temple is the authentic Burmese temple form. 
◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I

I used to take pictures of tourists. I haven't taken pictures like this for a long time. I seem to miss it a bit.

Behind is the wishing pool🙏🙏

◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I

🔺- There seems to be a legend here that where your hand is, where will you go next, but where am I comparing?? 🤔🤔

◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I
◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I

A majestic lion!? Or what?

◆ Burmese Buddhist Temple◆ Source: I

🔴 - Summary

In fact, I don’t think I’ve walked very thoroughly here. I feel that there are many stories and history that are bigger than the opposite Thai Buddha Temple.


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