New York Cultural Salon|Life and Death in the Era of "Global Chinese", From the Perspectives of Creation, Media, Community and Technology

The New York Cultural Salon will be held this Saturday, September 17th from 5-7pm (North America Eastern Time) in New York. The founder of Matters Lab, Zhang Jieping, and the famous scholar Zhou Chengyin will be invited to talk about "Global Chinese".
From coast to coast, this will be Matters Lab's third salon event in the United States.


"Global Chinese" is a historical concept, and whether it still holds true today, there has been a lot of controversy. But its appearance, and its different interpretations in different times, different groups of people have their real historical context because of the organization and struggle of this identity. In the post-epidemic era, the "global" that people are accustomed to has broken points, many places have fallen into isolation, and it has become difficult to reconnect; the identity of "Chinese" has also created new tensions in the changing international politics. Do we still have the will and ability to reconnect and connect with each other in a digital world? What else can connectors do from a linguistic, cultural, technological and organizational perspective?


@New York Culture Salon

Activity time

September 17th (Saturday) 5-7 pm EST

Event Location

Opera America, Marc A. Scorca Hall (Address: 7th Floor, 330 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001 (between 28 and 29 St)

Registration link:
The fee for this event, before 23:00 on September 16: $10/person, after and on-site: $15/person. If tickets are sold out on our website, we will let you know at


  • Zhou Chengyin: Associate Professor of Practice at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University, Director of the East Asia Institute of the Asia-Pacific Center, and Director of the Duke Story Lab
  • @张杰平: Matters Lab; On-site Project; Founder of Enclave Bookstore

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