SOLEND's IDO may be a hearse (it is strongly recommended not to get on the car)


SOLEND is a lending project on the SOLANA high-speed public chain. It finds value through the borrowing needs of depositing and borrowing money.

At present, the TVL lock-up volume of the project is not low, and it also ranks tenth on SOLANA

As for why it is said to be a hearse?

The main reason is that the team adopts the open recruitment model, which is different from the more commonly used lottery model on SOLANA. Everyone gets the news and can put money into the fund pool within time. The result is that everyone puts money into the whole car and turns it into a hearse.

In the past, MANGO/PARROT/AURY used this model to raise funds. At present, only Mango is still struggling to maintain the currency price. On the day of the AURY case, it was temporarily maintained on FTX on the day of the issuance of the currency, but it also continued.

The most tragic is the parrot of PRT. It was the peak at the opening. At the beginning, the dream was very big, and the project party seemed to be working very seriously. However, after raising 80 million US dollars and VC's continuous restocking, the project party gradually became too lazy to post on Twitter. It is estimated that after the 80 million US dollars were obtained, it was taken to the clubhouse. Recently, the project party directly transferred to VC investment projects, SOFT DAO has become a typical example of SOFT RUG.

There is not much time left before the end of the money stuffing, and there is still time to get the money out. It is recommended that those who have stuffed the money escape

post by Parrot Family


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