Hellbound "Hellbound"


One day, a man with a frightened expression sat in the corner of the coffee shop.

Looking at the time display on the phone in horror, it was 1:20!

Three unknown giant monsters from nowhere,

Breaking through the glass window and coming to the front, the three monsters joined forces to beat the man,

The man covered in blood wailed and ran outdoors, fled in the street, and was still beaten by monsters.

When he fell to the ground and was dying, the monsters once again joined hands and spewed flames, burning him to coke.

This terrifying picture was photographed by many onlookers and uploaded to the Internet, causing widespread discussion and causing panic among people.

The police received an order to find out the identity of the deceased, the truth of the murder, and to arrest the murderer as soon as possible.

I found out that the whole incident was related to the recent rise of the religion New Truth.

The founder is Zheng Jin-shou (played by Yoo Ah-in), who is known as the speaker.

This religion has attracted a large number of members to worship and follow in a short period of time.

Because angels will appear and announce that "sinners" will go to hell someday and sometime.

The person who received the announcement was burnt to death like the man as expected, which is called a "demonstration" of going to hell.

Forensic personnel collected evidence and sampled on-site testing, coke does not belong to all elements of the earth,

The chief of police was furious at the report, and scolded how to explain it

It also adds mystery to this event.

When policeman Chen Jingxun (played by Liang Yizhun) and his partner went to the scene of the murder to investigate,

Seeing Zheng Jinshou, the Speaker of the New Truth Sect, explaining morality and miracles on the other side of the street,

He eloquently persuaded people not to do evil, lest they would be proclaimed by sinners.

Single mother Park Jungja (played by Kim Shin-rok),

While celebrating a birthday at home with two young children, he was told he was going to hell in five days.

The miraculous event will be demonstrated again, by the arrowhead (played by Kim Do-yoon) wearing a skull and a painted face.

In the live broadcast, the accusations of Park Jingzi were widely publicized with persuasive words, and everyone wanted to witness her being punished with their own eyes.

Frightened, Park Jung-ja asks lawyer Min Hye-jin (played by Kim Hyun-joo) for help.

Lawyer Min has defended victims who were attacked by irrational believers and arrowheads.

Park Jingzi told the lawyer to ask Chairman Zheng for help, in order to make the people believe in the power of God,

New Truth Religion is willing to pay her a lot of money to live-stream the demonstration.

In order to ensure that the child can really get the money, Park Jingzi hopes that lawyer Min will help.

Attorney Min always believed that the New Truth was a fraud, and she was still witnessing to the police while asking the police for help.

Park Jingzi and Chairman Zheng signed an agreement and arranged for Park Jingzi's two children to go to Canada to avoid the limelight.

Lest be beaten by mad believers.

On the day of the live demonstration, there were fanatical believers, the sponsors of the Xinli Religion, and the police deployed heavy defenses.

When the time was up, three monsters appeared out of thin air and jumped close to Park Jingzi.

Punched and kicked, and fell over the shoulder, Park Jingzi was burned to black charcoal amid the screams of onlookers.

Lawyer Min was dumbfounded, and Chen Jingxun, who shot to stop the monster, was knocked unconscious.

After Zheng Jinshou himself was predicted to die, the new succession made the New Truth Cult even crazier and turned into a cult.

Bae Young-jae (played by Park Jung-min)'s wife Ji-hyun (played by Won Jin-ah) gave birth to a son for two days.

The messenger of hell even foretold that the baby would go to hell in two days.

Zhixian was shocked and angry. He had always said that only the most wicked people would receive the notice. What crime did the newborn baby commit?

She carried the baby to the office of the New Truth to question her, and the priests panicked.

Once this example appears in front of the public, it will cause an uproar of distrust.

They wanted to snatch the baby to hide, and Yingzai came along with lawyer Min, and after some fighting, the mother and child were taken away.

The arrowhead that originally harbored the Yingzai family also received a death notice, 5 minutes later than the baby.

Under the brainwashing of the priest, he decided to kill the baby to cover up God's mistake and escape death.

When the notice time came, Zhixian put the child on the ground,

I want you to see, what crime did this poor child commit?

The monster appeared on time, and Young-jae and his wife, Lawyer Min, fought hard to protect the baby and stop the monster's offensive.

In the end, the fire of hell killed Yingzai and his wife, and the baby was unharmed.

Injured lawyer Min took him away in a taxi.

The taxi driver said to Lawyer Min, "I don't know what God is, and I'm not interested in knowing it.

I only know clearly that this is a human world. The world of man should be managed by man himself.

At the end; the black charcoal Pu Jingzi, who was displayed in a glass cabinet, was restored to the flesh and came alive.

The opening of "Hell's Messenger" is that three giant monsters beat, slaughter and scorch sinners who are said to be recognized by God.

The shocking sight that was caught off guard caused panic among the public who witnessed the tragic situation.

Blind believers, arrowheads fan the flames in the live broadcast,

Incite the public to punish the so-called "criminals" by public trials and lynchings.

At the end, I didn't explain the authenticity of the so-called hell messenger, only knew the emergence of the new truth religion,

It was founder Liu Yaren who was unwilling to be tortured by fear alone.

Through webcasting, spread fear to all corners of the world.

Liu Yaren walked off the stage and bowed after three episodes.

Later, it will be seen that taking over the sponsors will cause more and greater confusion and fear.

Human selfishness is more frightening than demons.


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