【TCLin's Travel Log】Malaysian Attractions: Wat Phra Kaew

🔴 - Claims to be the third indoor reclining Buddha in the world

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

Location: Penang
Transportation: By car
📝 - Wat Thai <br class="smart">Also known as Wat Pho is the largest Thai Buddhist temple in Penang, built in 1845
◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me

Let's zoom in on the totem a little 👇👇

◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me
◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me

The whole here is a building with a strong Thai style. It should be related to worship!?
(I haven't been to Thailand yet~~😅)

◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me

After entering, you can see the famous reclining Buddha lying in front of you.

This reclining Buddha in the Thai Buddha Temple🔴 - Claims to be the third indoor reclining Buddha in the world

📋 - Remember to take off your shoes before entering

◆ Thai Buddhist Temple◆ Source: me

🔴 - Summary

In fact, I am not very thorough here. Many stories and history are not well understood. It is really just a simple photo-based tourist who is interested in learning more. You can find it online.

Although I have been to the Thai Buddhist Temple in Malaysia, it is a pity that I have not yet made it to Thailand. It was originally a plan for the past two years, but the world is unpredictable, and the unexpected epidemic came like this.

This is a relatively early tour, do you think I am younger?
The photos have been taken into the mirror as the main aerial scene, and there are not so many photos, and then slowly balanced.


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