【Netflix】Transfer Girls - The Ugly of Human Nature


Quick from Netflix

This is my first time watching a Thai drama. My impression of Thai film and television works is that I am very good at making ghost movies and advertising. At first, it attracted me because it was introduced on the Internet as a Thai version of Black Mirror, an enlarged description of human nature, discussing how ugly human nature can be in schools and among teenagers?

The design of the plot is very special. There is no relationship between each episode. The heroine is connected in series. In each episode, she will appear in the class as a transfer student. In response to what happens on campus, the heroine will be behind the scenes. Unintentional fueling the flames, triggering the ugly side of human nature. Because it is a warning prophecy, of course some of it will be exaggerated, so whether the plot is good or not, I think it will trigger the heart to some extent because of the content, but after watching many episodes, the mood will also be tired.

During the teenage years, it is easy to express worries about new words, and because of immaturity, it is easy to fall into self-identity confusion, and in order to gain social recognition, it is easy to prove yourself in an incorrect way. Below I especially want to use Maslow's needs to discuss the problems facing teenagers, connect to this transfer girl, and raise a few problems facing teenagers.

Maslow's needs

The most basic physiological and safety needs are not particularly emphasized in the play. Most of the students in the plot have no doubts about food, clothing, and money. It can be seen that what the play wants to emphasize is not the problems caused by the family background, but mostly what happened inside the school and the changes in the mood of the teenagers.

Therefore, what happens on campus mostly focuses on the sense of belonging of classmates and self-respect.

Jie from NETFLIX

For example, in this episode of " High Society ", in order to seek recognition among peers, he exaggerated the economic level of his family, and finally presented the ending in an ironic way. There are also people who are unwilling to give up the false relationship created by social media because they enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by the stars and the moon, and discuss the false "love of the community" that teenagers are addicted to in the online world. There are also students who are described in [Lost and Found] as a habit of stealing, hoping to get the attention of their family members and longing for real love from their fathers.

These are all deviant behaviors derived from our desire for intimacy.

Jie from NETFLIX

It was also mentioned that when discussing the [Award] of students' academic performance, the students finally got applause by plagiarizing. There is also [Magic Wall] , because you are jealous that other people are more popular than yourself, and you have bad thoughts in your heart. When you have the ability to make bad thoughts come true, you are instead immersed in this false power. If looks become the standard for enjoying privileges, in order to have these privileges, some drastic means are made [ranking] .

These are all because we have expectations for ourselves and enjoy the kind of vanity after becoming famous, so we pursue it by improper means.

Ultimately is the highest level of self-actualization.

I think it is quite interesting. In the plot, there are many discussions about the school's education system, how sex education should be included in the teaching scope, and in order to get the support of the parents' association, the teacher should be kind, or stick to his own educational philosophy... and so on. The topics discussed on the edge of the ball are, instead, the part that I think needs to be covered the most in youth education. How to have a sound education system, there is a way to put an end to the deviant behavior of young people.

It is also a discussion of campus issues, Thai drama-transferred girls: focusing on the hearts of teenagers; Korean drama-humanity extracurricular: It discusses how to survive when the most basic life becomes a problem.

The same goes wrong, but it is caused by problems at different levels.

However, the plot is also concerned with the education system and how to improve it. This is to identify the problem and try to improve the entire system.


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