The Spartans Who Are All Soldiers "One Day Forest Knowledge"


From the 8th to the 6th century BC, more than 200 slave states appeared on the Greek peninsula. These states, called "city-states," are all centered around a city. The most powerful of these are: Athens and this episode's focus "Sparta". The Spartans devoted all their energy to the military. Every man is trained to be a valiant fighter; every woman is a mother who raises a warrior. In other words, the whole of Sparta is a huge barracks...

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From the 8th to the 6th century BC, more than 200 slave states appeared on the Greek peninsula. These states, called "city-states," are all centered around a city. The most powerful of them all: Athens and this episode's focus "Sparta"

Different from Athens with higher terrain, Sparta is a city at the bottom of a canyon surrounded by mountains. Sparta, which is very developed in agriculture, originally meant "a cultivable plain".

Around the 11th century BC, a group of Greek tribes called the Dorians invaded Laconia. The Spartans are the Dorians who occupied the place. The Spartans turned the original inhabitants into slaves and called them "Heroes" or "Heroes". On average, four or five Shiloh families supported one Spartan family. More than half of the harvest was taken by the Spartans.

The Spartans devoted all their energy to the military. Every man is trained to be a valiant fighter; every woman is a mother who raises a warrior. In other words, the whole of Sparta is a huge barracks.

Spartan life

When a Spartan was born, elders would check the baby's body. Only those who are strong and qualified can be nurtured by their parents. On the contrary, those who are born with insufficiency or deformity and ugly will be discarded in the valley and left to fend for themselves. Their parents would bathe them in strong wine instead of water. If the baby faints, let it die.

Spartans live with their parents until the age of seven. Spartan parents do not spoil their children. Instead, educate them to be content, not to worry about the quality of food, not afraid of darkness, and not afraid of loneliness, so that when they grow up, they can become soldiers who serve their city.

When they were 7 years old, they were sent to exercise. Develop physical strength in the barracks and train agility and stamina. An older boy will lead the boys to walk on the thorny road under the hot sun to cultivate their hard-working spirit

The Spartans also instituted a whipping system: a festival was chosen every year, and all the children knelt before the temple and beat them violently with a leather whip without making a sound. If screaming or begging for mercy, he will be more brutally abused.

After the age of twelve, the training became more and more strict. Regardless of the season, they only wear a single coat. In winter, you even have to take off your clothes and run under the ice and snow. Sleep on hay at night, and give limited food to keep hungry.

Not enough to eat, not warm enough to wear, 𧗠 gave birth to the behavior of stealing. When the rulers knew about this phenomenon, they condoned it. They believe that stealing for survival trains a person's tact and agility.

At the age of twenty, the Spartan YMCA officially became a soldier. Thirty-year-old Spartans can leave the army and get married. He will also join the "Feditia" militia, training or fighting together in groups of 15 until he is retired at the age of sixty.

Spartan girls did not need to join the army, but they also learned sports such as running, throwing and fighting. The Spartans believed that only a strong mother could give birth to a strong warrior.

The Spartans worshipped bloodshed in war. When a Spartan mother sent her son to battle, she did not wish him a safe return, but gave him a shield. It means that as soon as you return with a shield and a glorious victory, you will die in a glorious battle and be carried back by someone else with a shield. Only men who died in combat and women who died in childbirth were given tombstones. In the eyes of his fellow citizens, it was because of their sacrifice that Sparta survived.

Shiloh Uprising

In the nearly 30-year Peloponnesian War, Sparta defeated another very influential city-state - Athens, thus becoming the first in the whole of Greece. But Sparta's brutal oppression of the Shiloh people continued to arouse large-scale resistance. The armed struggles of the Shiloh people forced the Spartan rulers to compromise with them. The insurgents, with their families, left the Peloponnese and gained freedom. After the middle of the 4th century BC, Sparta also began to decline day by day.

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