A rare experience in life | Entering the operating room for the first time

Sent to operating room for catching butterflies

[There is a little bloodshed in the text, please pay attention! 】

When I was a child, my mother worked in a clinic. There was a back garden around the clinic. My siblings liked to play there, and my mother could watch over us while working.

One summer vacation, when I was about six years old, my mother took my sister, me and my brother to her work place as usual. My sister was four years older than me, and she really assisted my mother in work. Because my brother and I were young, we did things that were suitable for our age. Work: play.


That day, my brother and I saw a butterfly, and we chased it, trying to catch it, and when it stopped on a small tree, I climbed up the tree and tried to catch it. Who knows, there was an accident, I fell down from the tree, and the inside of the left sole near the ankle was inserted into the stone, bleeding! !

Maybe there was no nerve injury, there was no pain at the time, I was very quiet, but my brother was frightened. Fortunately, my sister rescued me. After simple wound treatment and dressing at the clinic, I was taken by my mother to the emergency room of the public hospital.

first surgery

Maybe the bandage was better, there was no nerve injury or pain, so I came to the emergency room and was not treated immediately, but just waited, and waited for about half an hour before I was sent to the operating room.

The medical staff put me on the operating bed, inquired about my injury, helped me clean the wound, and said that I was strong and well-behaved, not afraid of pain, and did not cry, and said that the person who bandaged me was well wrapped, because the wound was large, and I would be injured. Help me with stitches.

no anesthesia

Then, a foreign doctor came and, through an interpreter, said that he would sew stitches for me and sew up the wound, and asked me if I was afraid of the pain. I said no, and he started. There was no anesthesia and needles, but it really didn't hurt, so the doctors and paramedics praised me again.

However, a strange thing happened. For some reason, the stitching work was suspended. The doctor left. The medical staff told me to wait for a while and also left. I was the only one left on the operating bed. When a group of medical staff arrives, it is probably a shift change. It turns out that even the operation will be suspended when the shift is changed! ! If you had anesthesia just now, you wouldn't know.

heaven becomes hell

This time, it was a local doctor's turn to give me the rest of the stitches. It hurts! It was very painful. I thought whether the foreign doctors were good or the local doctors were poor. I was so painful that I was crying, and the medical staff said why they didn't give me anesthesia! ? Now I have to continue the stitches and tell me to endure the pain.

Really poor, poor skills, bad attitude, I feel like I have gone from heaven to hell, every stitch made me aching nerves, I could only endure it, I finally got through it, and it was a pain to go to the medical staff to bandage me. The wound was bandaged, but the needle and thread that were not sewed just now were pressed, as if a needle was punctured. It was very uncomfortable!

Finally, I came out of the emergency room. I walked slowly and slowly, without the medical staff to accompany or support me. Therefore, the service of the public hospital was really not in place.

almost made news

At this time, it turned out that my mother had been waiting for a long time, because I had been in the operating room for a long time, thinking that my injury was very serious, and I was very worried.

She also said that after I entered the operating room, reporters from several newspaper offices came to interview me and asked if I was admitted to the hospital due to a traffic accident. After knowing that it was not, I left.

blood lessons

Due to injury, I was forced to stay at home for the entire summer vacation, and my family took care of me in vain. However, during the recuperation period, every time the bandages are removed and the wounds are cleaned, it is a torture, which is more effective than the punishment of "I'm not allowed to climb trees in the future" a thousand times. Therefore, I no longer dare to climb trees.

It’s my turn to remove the stitches. Yes, I used metal thread to sew the needles back then. I had to remove the stitches. Of course, it hurts when I remove the stitches. After I remove the stitches, it still hurts. As a result, the wound needs to be treated for more than a month before it heals. .

When I mentioned this rare experience in life that was exchanged for blood, the scars on my feet were still a little painful. Fortunately, the nerves were not injured, otherwise I would have to do iron crutches.


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