Clarify that Pi Network Li Xiaolai's scam? is air currency? scam?

 This is not the first time that Li Xiaolai said that Pi Network is a scam, but aren't all ICOs on his platform dead? Does it mean it's all a scam?
According to this logic, Li Xiao came to his platform to be a scam
 On the left side of the picture below is the recent saying that Pi Network is an air coin and has no value.
On the right is Li Xiaolai and then forwarded it, continuing to make fun of Pi Network 

The most famous people in the currency circle are only Li Xiaolai and the beef seller who made fun of Pi Network, and the beef buyer also made fun of Li Xiaolai! Two well-known spokespersons for the leek harvest in the currency circle made fun of Pi Network at the same time, which is actually an honor, it means that Pi Network is true! Because there is no platform for them😉😉
The person who bought the beef, I won't name the name, everyone in the currency circle knows 
 The author replied: "People who don't understand Pi Network today are as ignorant as those who didn't understand Bitcoin at the beginning. When I started buying and promoting Bitcoin in 2016 and 2017, the moderator who forwarded the post did not know that time. What are you doing?
Although this moderator has played the Pi app for a while, he is anxious to make quick money. Of course, he thinks Pi is worthless. Pi has always emphasized that the time you spend on Pi is only about 20 seconds to 1 minute every day. The rest of the time, do your own thing, no matter what you do, learn new blockchain knowledge, learn to buy other cryptocurrencies, these are not in conflict with getting Pi coins every day, but he is eager to buy money, but does not let him succeed , so I was always ashamed and angry, and many of these people are there.
To understand Pi Network, you must first understand what kind of university is Stanford University? The United States ranks second, the blockchain industry ranks first, and more than three blockchain projects in the world are directly and indirectly related to Stanford University.
And all the blockchain projects related to Stanford University are related to Nicolas Kokkalis Ph.D, the founder of Pi, as he is the first lecturer who is currently teaching a course on designing blockchain decentralized applications . He is also a member of the Stanford University Blockchain Society. People who influence the world's blockchain are all related to Stanford < > For things you don't understand, you shouldn't use negative sentences! Should I use interrogative sentences? "
 Li Xiao said: "They don't even understand the principle of mining, and they consider it as mining with their mobile phones on."

The author replied: "The Stellar protocol does not require mining. All the Stellar coins have been mined on the day that the Stellar Coin is running from the main chain, and the initial method of obtaining Stellar coins is free, but the community that obtains Stellar coins is only a few, and the Stellar Chain is successful. , but the promotion method of Stellar is not very successful. It is not popular enough. What do you know about Stellar first? What is Stellar protocol? Come on.”
 Li Xiaolai continued to reply: "Hahahahahaha you exchange all the encrypted coins in your hand for pi, I will believe you"
The author replied: "Do you really understand or pretend to understand, Pi is currently free and cannot be purchased, and the official does not allow it to be purchased.
You can't buy it with money 🤣🤣
Why would anyone want to exchange all their cryptocurrencies for Pi?
Then why didn't you exchange all your bitcoins for your platform's ICO tokens? That would be unbelievable! yes!
There is no rule that you can only own one cryptocurrency. I have always been a supporter of Bitcoin, but that doesn’t mean I can’t own other cryptocurrencies. Pi Network is a blockchain project that started from scratch. It is not based on Ethereum. Point tokens issued by a few dollars, this project does not consider short-term profit, but long-term development and can be issued all over the world. Have you ever thought that an American company can still successfully issue an ICO now? The Telegram project has already Tokens were sold, but ended up being killed outright? The Facebook-dominated Tianmeng coin died before being born, and now it has to change the country of registration, hoping to start over, but now Facebook cannot directly participate!
And Pi Network is also a blockchain project from the United States, but it can reach today because it complies with all regulations in the United States and cannot be picky!
The reason is to reject all investment, and rely on the value generated by the project itself to be responsible for its own profits and losses, because there is no capital investment, so when it is officially listed, all ICO projects will not have the phenomenon of cutting leeks. Because no one can hold a large amount of Pi coins and control the market! "
Li Xiaolai replied: "Let the time speak, hahahahaha"
Li Xiaolai did not dare to respond to the message that started below.
 Author: "You should share so many ICO projects on your platform, which one has a mainnet?
It's just a bunch of points on the Ethereum network, and the cost is very low, an ICO can be issued for more than ten dollars, and it is not soft when cutting leeks"

"Say Pi Network is an air coin?
That means the Pi will rise,
Those ICOs of yours are not air coins, but stone coins, and they have all sunk to the bottom of the sea.”

You're welcome, but he doesn't respond at all, is that the default?

Author: "I don't even know what the Stellar protocol is, I just blow it"

I'm not like some WeChat or Weibo pages in mainland China about Pi Network. I didn't verify the news before I posted it. The true and false news are mixed together. The content I share below has all been verified, so Li Xiaolai can't refute it. 🤣🤣🤣

( Global Cryptocurrency Mining Market - Industry Trends and 2026 Forecast Report ) Two years ago, a small and inconspicuous company appeared in the Global Cryptocurrency Mining Market Forecast report. The company is working on a new game where anyone can participate in mining, so don't miss out and read the report carefully!
This is the forecast report for October 2019, have you read it carefully? You may have missed a company that will impact the world! ==>>
Revisiting: Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, co-founder of Pi Network, used to be a blockchain wizard. So the creators of Ipfs, the creators of Oracle, the creators of Qtum, the creators of Neo and other heavyweights all gathered in the 2018 Stanford CS 359B course .

Revisit: Stanford BIOE 60 ~ Beyond Bitcoin: The Application of Distributed Trust The real example here is Pi Network, surpassing Bitcoin and inheriting Bitcoin, what Bitcoin does not do well, do If you don't have enough, if you want to do it but can't do it, Pi Network will do it here!
BitBoy, the famous Bitcoin Logo designer, pointed out: People who accuse Pi as a scam on the Internet are idiots!
The only Dapp in the world that provides a coordinate map of Wuhan pneumonia patients is from Pi Network! And the project is the only one approved by the U.S. government and used by U.S. public schools. Pi Network - FeverIQ provides free and safe Covid prevention solutions to public elementary schools in the US

The only blockchain project in the world directly involved in the prevention and elimination of Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19) is Pi Network

Pi Network founder and technical lead Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis has long believed in the technical, financial and social potential of cryptocurrencies, but is frustrated by its current limitations. And is committed to bringing the power of blockchain to more people, improving the current experience, and creating value for everyone.

 So he turned the development process of new blockchains upside down by adopting a user-centric design philosophy. Released in the beta version, members are invited to join the network, and the protocol is iterated with members to decentralize the design results.
Dr Nicolas Kokkalis said: “The current result is Pi Network, a new currency and peer-to-peer network that is currently operating in over 150 countries and 30 languages. Pi Network is 100% of my professional commitment, and my My beloved wife and son take 100% of my personal commitment.”
If you haven't joined Pi Network yet, join now! Create a blockchain project that belongs to everyone with us!
Invitation code: kyle2051

The Pi app can be searched in the Android PlayStore or Apple's App Store: PI NETWORK, free download , or download the Invitation code from the following link: kyle2051


Android :

If you need a code, enter kyle2051 (use this code after day 4 for a 25% speedup)

 Tip: You don't need to keep the Pi app open, the Pi won't affect phone performance or drain battery power or use network data. You can even close the app after pressing the lightning button and you'll keep mining the Pi. The mining of Pi will stop every 24 hours, press the ⚡️ lightning button once again, repeat every day until the end of the distribution

Pi Network official website :

Data Privacy :

Terms of Service Last Update Posted: August 25, 2020 SocialChain

 If you enable in-app money transfers in our mobile app, you also agree to the following additional terms and conditions.
You agree that you will not offer any sale of Pi or any derivatives of such units (such as "futures") in other currencies prior to the launch of the Pi Network mainnet.
You agree that you and only you are the sole holder of the account and the Pi units associated with your account and that you will not transfer your account to other individuals, groups or organizations.
You agree not to engage in any illegal and/or illegal Pi transactions.
Violation of these terms may void your account and cancel your entire balance , including any Pi units transferred from your account. You agree that in the event of invalidation of your account and cancellation of your Pi balance, you will be solely responsible for the invalidation of your account , cancellation of your balance , or cancellation of any transferred Pi units, SocialChain, Pi Network and its development does not assume any responsibility.

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kyle2051加入Pi Network 區塊鏈革命!「我們不是在賺錢。我們真的想改變世界,重塑金融體系。我們在Pi Network 這裡實現分散式加密貨幣的最終理想。」PlayStore或AppStore可以搜尋Pi Network下載. 邀請碼為kyle2051。
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