Do you have a life-exclusive BGM in "Doctor Wise Life"?

Why fall in love with music? Perhaps because it resonates with the fluctuations of life. Among them, there are you and me, there are memories, and there is a future, leading the listeners to the place where their hearts go, and deeply drawing the memory points in the trajectory of life. So, music is never a luxury, it is a necessity of life.
"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb

Do you have the habit of listening to music? Have you ever formed a band? Do you like going to concerts, concerts?

I like. Except for the moments when you need to concentrate, you will always choose a song at random in your edited playlist to play. When you are alone, hum a stanza or two along; if there are other people next to you, pick up your earphones and sing along silently in your heart, otherwise you will feel a little ashamed. When you have time and are lucky enough to buy a ticket, go to a concert, or watch a stage play or musical (although there are at most two or three large-scale shows a year in Taiwan), you will feel so happy that night, and let earworm let you go. People are insomnia, but also sweet.

If you can find time in your life to practice the piano, it would be better. Play two pages of Chopin's Ballade, then replace it with Progoff's sonata, and finally use Xun Feld's Cafe music to end the alternative reading, enjoy A beautiful, somatosensory time paused.

"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb

As we all know, no matter how bad the script is in Korean dramas, its OST will at least be above the standard, let alone a conscience-produced drama like "The Life of Witty Doctor". But most of this ost is not original, but let the band formed by the Gang of Five (now called "Meido and Falasol (Umbrella)" debut XD) cover songs from 20 years ago (many are in "Please Please" "Answer Series" appeared), after all, this band that was accidentally positioned as a funny club is a memory of their college days!

I just let everyone do something for themselves that they really want to do.

When Ahn Jung-won (played by Yoo Yeon-suk) recruited four other people to form the medical team in the VIP ward, Yang Seok-hyung (played by Kim Daming) did not want benefits such as double annual salary, exclusive office, parking space, etc., he only put forward the condition of "reorganizing the orchestra". In the 12-episode first season, the last quarter of each episode was their rehearsal in the basement of Seok-hyung's house (a rich second-generation man who owns a detached house in Seoul), interspersed with the events of the week. The camera, along with the lyrics and phrases, wrote notes for the week, and after signing, continued to set off.

"Doctor Wise Life" stills / IMDb

The " Aloha " that appeared in the third episode should be one of the essence of the play. This is a song released by the mixed vocal group Cool in 2001. Xu Zhian and Xu Huixin also sang the Chinese version of "Love Frequency" in 2002. It was originally intended by Li Yizhen (played by Cao Zhengxi) in KTV when he was in college to be handsome. I didn't expect everyone to scramble for the microphone to sing, and the scene burst into laughter. Twenty years later, when everyone hears this song, they will be full of tongues. Arguing: "This is my song" "It's obviously my song, is it good, you sing like a chicken's cry" "I don't want to say it, but I sing this song very well".

This flashback reminded me of the first line of the second episode of " Lonely Night ": "I miss the old days recently." Isn't that the core concept in Director Shin and Writer Lee's work-a lot of what's happening around Reminds me of the past (the first symptoms of old age No.1), the green years full of laughter and tears, I miss it very much, and I am very happy to participate in it as well. Twenty years of knowing each other and cherishing each other, like the song of life like water, now, we Continue to smile knowingly at some points that others seem inexplicable, which may be the so-called friendship and happiness!

With Aaron Kwok's highlights and the Tigers scoring in the middle, have they thought about -- and fortunately -- that twenty years later, their lives will continue to be closely linked?

"Doctor Witty Life" stills / Netflix screenshots
My depressed mood, let it blow with the wind!

The ninth episode "I Met You by Chance" is a work published by the rock band 송골매 in 1981, and it is the most dynamic song among all the songs. An Zhengyuan's mother Ms. Zheng Rosa's childhood sweetheart (who is also the chairman of the hospital) suffered from mild depression because of the loss of his wife and his sons were not around. Everyone performed this light rock and a little jazz-style song for him, the chairman Although he insisted that it was boring, his feet and fingers beating the beat betrayed his old man. Is this an alternative music therapy?

"Doctor Witty Life" stills / Netflix screenshots
To me, you are like the sunshine that illuminates my lonely days in the past.

Privately share one of my favorite songs "I For You, You For Me" (Episode 12). Originally the OST of the movie "The Origin Never Dies", every time I listen to it, I have a classic image of Jo In-sung and Son Ye-jin running in the rain, and the Gang of Five sang this song on Christmas Eve, and it has a different flavor: they sang the song. It is not only the confession and expectation of the other party, but also the gratitude to the loved one in life, which makes people feel more mellow, and the corners of the mouth rise unconsciously.

Cho Jung-seok is the all-around musical prince who has won many awards; Jeon Mi-do has won the Best Actress in the Korean Musical Awards for two consecutive years, and is a respected queen in the industry (playing a tone idiot in the play is really embarrassing for her); Yoo Yeon Xihe Jin Daming has rich experience in theater performances; although Zheng Jinghao's business ability is not as good as others, but his warm voice is dedicated and hardworking, and his presentation is not lost. At the request of Director Shin, the five actors started rehearsing a year before the start of the film. It makes sense that "The Life of Witty Doctor" can be successful.

Why fall in love with music? Perhaps because it resonates with the fluctuations of life.

It is possible that you like the music of the 90s as much as I do. When you listen to the songs, you always fantasize about the good times. It is also possible that you like music from other periods. The day you sang with your classmates at night? Does listening to them sing songs of that era bring back memories with tears and laughter in your heart? Or maybe they're playing guitar, bass, drums to their heart's content, do you ever have the urge to pick up that dusty instrument that once belonged to you in the corner again?

In music, there are you and me, memories, and the future. It leads the listener to the place where his heart is, and deeply draws the memory points in the trajectory of life.

So, music is never a luxury, it is a necessity of life.


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YC一個醫學理科生,最浪漫的那種。 不相信星座,卻覺得自己正是所謂的雙子座。 電影、影集、詩書、音樂、飲食,裡面都有你我的人生,不想一起看看嗎?
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