Encourage submission | Share interview experience to help recent graduates find jobs faster!

Encourage submission of "Interview Experience" to help recent graduates find jobs faster!
Coasters designed by Brother Shitou: Bear Meets You https://mall.iopenmall.tw/012367/

Encourage submission | Share interview experience to help recent graduates find jobs faster!

🎈7/27 Thanks to POAP NFT official, the application has been approved; if you have submitted works, please remember to post the link!

🙏Inspiration from the statement: Pattern creation: Brother Shitou; Person in charge of litigation: Lawyer Sheng Yun, Lawyer Zhuting

Good day, my friend, I am Brother Shitou - your career mentor . It coincides with the graduation season, the peak season for many newcomers to the society to find jobs. In order to help these children find jobs as soon as possible, we encourage everyone to submit your interview experience. For your participation in sharing experience and supporting underachievers, Brother Shitou will also work hard to win the POAP NFT badge. "If successful", it will be given to the first 15 enthusiastic friends!

[Share interview experience to help young students, and also allow you to grow and remember]

Brother Shitou has always supported the sharing of experience and efforts to pass it on, so that students, schools, and enterprises can maintain the phenomenon of common prosperity among the three parties. This time, "1111 Job Bank" held an interview experience sharing event. Brother Shitou, who was invited to publish career planning and job search skills on this platform, must have accumulated at least more than ten articles. I think sharing experience in writing interviews can not only help young students, but also allow you to grow and remember!

✅1. Brother Shitou’s original intention:
You have been in the workplace for many years, and every interview experience you have may greatly reduce the stumbling and fumbling period of young people who are late. It is also the best teaching material for learning experience. Why not write down the experience and pass it on?
✅2. This is the right moment:
You don’t need to build momentum. It’s the graduation and job hunting season. It just so happens that “1111 Job Bank” is holding an interview experience talk and article sharing event. It also happens that Brother Shitou can help you recommend one. If your writing is good enough, then you won’t be underestimated. It was really not easy for the editors and judges to see it.
🍁Activity starts from now and ends on 9/8!
1. [Activity] Click on my link🔗 Dig and dig for interview experience! Share your job search record and get bonuses for posting!
2. [Key points must read]:
2-1. Add [My Interview Experience] at the beginning of each post to facilitate identification by netizens. Example: [My Interview Experience] Largan Engineer Interview Experience Sharing
2-2. Suggestions for posting content (taken from 1111 Job Bank) ✓ Describe the entire interview process (written test, oral test, interview) ✓ When asked the most special/impressive/difficult question to answer, how did you answer it at that time? ✓ Give Recommendations for people applying for this job or industry ✓ Share your pre-interview preparations and strategies.

2-3. 🍁"Must Write" Brother Shitou recommends you to write and share articles! Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to determine whether you will submit your experience sharing article!
2-4. Unimportant bonuses: upper limit 1,000 yuan; based on the announcement of "1111 Manpower Bank".

✅3. Brother Shitou’s thoughts:
🍁3-1. Extra: POAP NFT badge; limited to 15 pieces. Application is in progress. Sorry if it is "unsuccessful", it is not available. "Please leave the path of your published article below this article"

Image source: POAP page, and the badge designed by Stone Brother

🍁3-2. Extra: 2 limited edition coasters. Thank you for your willingness to share. If you are accepted for publication, "please leave the path of your published article under this article", Brother Shitou will give you an additional limited edition charity sale. : Two bear-meet-you coasters; limit: only the top three will be given away, two for each person; for non-Taiwan areas, please make up for the shipping difference of NT$120)
(Note: Public price: 320 yuan for a set of four + 83 yuan for shipping = 403 yuan)

👉Born for public welfare: Brother Shitou clicks "1/2 Cultural and Creative Shop": https://mall.iopenmall.tw/012367/
Everyone knows that typhoons are seasonal. If you want to write on certain platforms, why not do it by chance? Come on, sort out your valuable interview experience and share it with friends who need it.
Firstly, I helped them; secondly, I got bonuses, up to 1,000 yuan; thirdly, I accidentally got a limited coaster gift from Brother Shitou; fourthly, I accidentally got a POAP NFT badge; fifthly, maybe it was such a coincidence, Xiao The editor just likes this writing style, and as he writes, he replaces the stupid stone. Come on, let’s do our best, my friend.
👉Click on my link🔗 "A cup of 55 yuan coffee sponsors Brother Shitou" , supports charity: turning appreciation into a light for disadvantaged children in rural areas!

Image source: Coasters designed by Brother Shitou: Honest and honest Papa Bear https://mall.iopenmall.tw/012367/
Image source: Coaster designed by Brother Shitou: Mother Bear Full of Love https://mall.iopenmall.tw/012367/
Image source: Coasters designed by Stone Brother; Bear Girl with a sweet smile https://mall.iopenmall.tw/012367/


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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