Food Affection

If I were a mouse, I would definitely die in a mousetrap with food.

It's embarrassing now.

In the first year of college, everyone lived in dormitories, and in the second year, they had to move out. Most of the lease contracts signed when moving out were signed until graduation. If the epidemic did not come, it would be around June. But the epidemic came and disrupted a lot of things. Now we only end the semester in August, which has been delayed for two months.

The semester is not over yet, but the contract has expired. Some homeowners are intolerant and insist on abiding by the contract because they have found a new tenant.

Those who rented the house, but the students who only took online classes at home, all came back to clean up the house, and then quit the rent, and the end of the university was finished facing the computer. I'm not sure if there is a graduation ceremony or not, and it's okay. I want to live, and if I look far away, I will feel that the graduation ceremony is unnecessary.

My ex roomate, here I call her Xiao Zuo, because before her desk was on my left, the one who said I was ugly sleeping was her. I don't mind what she says about me. She put me at ease with her candor, I didn't mind being told by her, and she knew I wouldn't mind. But if other people say something about me, I will hold grudges.

A friend once had her hair permed. I happily said that I had curled my hair too, and I found the photos of that time to show her. How do you know she said something, curly hair is not for you. In my ears, I translated it into, your curly hair is not good-looking, mine is good-looking. Whether I translated it wrong or not, her words made me take revenge. In fact, it is not tiring to hold grudges. It is not as fussy as others say. It is a very natural thing. It is not painful, not jealous, and does not blind my eyes and heart. What makes me unhappy, I will recall all the things he shouldn't have before. To hold grudges is to protect yourself and not let the words of the other party hurt you.

Having said so much, I want to say that Xiao Zuo is the person who entered my heart, she knows a lot of things about me. I have been in college for three years, and there are only two people who are familiar with me. Both of them were my roommates. I can only say that I am very lucky. The people I sleep with are all who get along with me very well. Lucky.

During the FMCO period, Xiao Zuo finally applied for an interstate letter at the police station, and then she and her sister came to the school from home to clean up the house.

I live in the dormitory and can't go out. A student in the school was diagnosed, but the news was blocked. The atmosphere in the whole school was a bit tense. There were red and white plastic strips surrounding the tables and chairs, and students were not allowed to gather. I stayed in my room except going out to buy food. Originally, I would climb over the wall to go out for a walk, but when I heard that a student was caught over the wall, I stopped. After all, I haven't set foot on campus for three weeks.

I'm a very homely person, but I can't go out and I'm very limited. I'm not as free as usual. I can find a delicious restaurant to eat or something, and take photos as souvenirs.

The epidemic has really made me reflect. When there is chaos outside, I still have at least a small space to stay, and many times I will look inside myself. I am really embarrassed at this age, I am about to graduate, but the epidemic is raging, and it is very likely that I will not be able to find a job. I have been thinking about what I can do, whether to continue studying or work, whether to do my own business or change my direction? There is no answer yet, just consider all possibilities.

Actually, I want to update this article just because Xiao Zuo brought me food when he came to clean up.

We talked and handed food over the fence. How I want to hang out with her, I haven't seen her in too long and want her to paint my eyebrows. She also has no eyebrows. She always draws her eyebrows before she goes out. Every time I say help me draw it once, but I haven't done it yet. We still have a lot of gossip to talk about. Gossip only makes sense if you tell the right person, everything else is a waste of time.

She brought me durian. The moment I smelled the durian, I wanted to cry. I want to go out so badly, I have been rushing to the paper in my room, and sometimes I will cry under the covers (others do too, I have asked), and the durian is coming, it is like bringing the outside world to me. She also bought McDonald's and said, beef, your favorite.

(I love you waves in my heart)

But at that time I couldn't say anything but thank you.

Maybe other people think it's just food, is it necessary?

Yes, I love to eat, and I understand the people who give me food to show their love for me, and now the supplies are very limited, and there are not many kinds of food in the school. I can eat durian at this time, really, I should have done something good in my last life.

Seeing Xiao Zuo and the food she gave me, my wife was really happy.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

This festival was exchanged for Qu Yuan's death. Well, thank him too. Without him, there would be no popularization of zongzi.


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