Kuomintang legislators and the Legislative Yuan protest against Chen Ju, the director of the air-conditioning supervisor, back to school, white horror movie


My dad born in 1944, me born in 1971, and my family!

It has been so close to Taiwan's key historical and iconic figures many times!

So connected!

228 Incident, White Terror, Overseas Blacklist, Vocational Students, Beautiful Island Incident, May 20 Peasant Movement, March 19 Shooting Case, Former President Chen Shui-bian was sentenced, Lai Qingde was elected mayor, 9/11 Incident, President Tsai Ing-wen was elected for the first time...and more!

Many major political and historical events in Taiwan, at home and abroad, happened to be directly involved or indirectly involved with my family and I.

However, let's use a MEME meme meme I made by myself first, and let's cross it!

"Back to School", for me and my family, is not just a video game adaptation movie!

But there is also a personal experience, or a past that has passed by!

Kuomintang legislators, the unnamed and inexplicable broke into the Legislative Yuan for a brief out-of-order protest!

Won't be the last one out!

Taiwan's epidemic prevention against Wuhan pneumonia is successful!

Let the opposition parties and the Blue Camp Korean fans gather together so easily!

Blue camp supporters can buy super cheap, high-quality, medical-grade masks so easily!

In this way, we can fight hand-to-hand with the DPP and the police who maintain order!

Forget all the requirements of social distancing and wearing masks that countries around the world are emphasizing at the moment!

The main reason is that even if there is a Japanese exchange student, he was just found to be diagnosed when he returned to Japan!

But in fact, Taiwan has no local epidemic at all!

Otherwise, if there are any hidden cases!

Is it possible to lick the pro-China media and the sour people without finding out and not wantonly breaking the news?

Is it possible not to use it for hype, in order to lose faith to the CCP and report performance?

My friends from all over the world are so envious of the current situation in Taiwan!

Foreign colleagues and foreign friends living in Taiwan!

They all feel that Taiwan at this moment does not exist on the same planet as other countries!

It's a parallel universe!

As for more individuals and families, they are entangled with Taiwan's key historical entanglements and associated with major events!

When I have time in the future, I will share it slowly!

This article will be written here first, see you next time!

Write here first, see you next time!

Email unolin@gmail.com

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Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

UNOLIN想說啥,就說啥。台南、台北、西雅圖、布宜諾斯艾利斯,四城故事。近30國,旅遊出差留學工作移民生活體驗。外語雜學、國際政經文化、吃喝玩樂、情場職場、老司機。 電郵 unolin@gmail.com 部落格 https://unolin.com/ FB粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/UNOLIN.TALK/
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