Vertigo attacks: absolutely make you scared to death

Today, I saw a friend of Matters mentioning that my mother suffered from vertigo phobia. I can feel the same way. Therefore, I organized two charts of my painful experience to share with you who are suffering.
Image source: Drawing by Stone Brother; photo taken from Pexels

Vertigo attacks: absolutely make you scared to death


This morning, I saw Susan's article about her mother's vertigo, and I quickly shared her long experience with her, because I believe more people are suffering from this. Just reading the report, up to 100,000 people in Taiwan have suffered from vertigo. , so I decided to share this from the perspective of a past person: the dizziness that makes you fear to death.

[Can't find the words of fear and fear, which are enough to describe the horror of it's attack]

Around 2002, I still remember that I was just promoted to assistant manager. In order to expand the production capacity of the second and third factories of the company (wow, it has been expanded to the 12th factory now), the machine must be moved in time to the instrument as soon as possible. After the school is completed, the trial production can be carried out. The whole pressure is quite large, and it has to take into account the 24-hour operation of the two factories. When I woke up one morning, my eyes were spinning and I couldn't stand up because of night sweats. I stayed in bed for two days without eating or drinking (yes, only drinking water). The sheets and clothes were wet and changed several times. I also vomited several times. It really makes you want to die. Really, you feel like you are about to die. I even wrote a suicide note for it a week after the event.

After going through several times, I couldn't find the reason, and I also consulted several clinics. It took half a year until I went to Mackay Hospital in Hsinchu, where I saw Dr. Wang Lingdian from the Department of Otolaryngology (later opened on Jianzhong Road: Chengyou Ear Nose and Throat Clinic), it took him three or four months to do a complete set of examinations, and it was concluded that the balance regulation of the left ear was caused by imbalance.

1. You will have those symptoms:
When you start to sweat and have gold stars in your eyes, if you feel this way, you have to take a ride home quickly, no more than 15 minutes at most, it will make you almost paralyzed and unable to stand, really don't drive too hard. The symptoms you will have in the following order:
◆Sweating, eyes with gold stars ◆Continuous night sweats ◆Feeling that the whole person is about to die ◆Vomiting several times ◆Afraid of noise and light ◆Afraid of air conditioners, fans, and hair dryers ◆No appetite ◆Lying on one side only side

I slept and woke up for two whole days. Although I was on one side, I was still tossing and turning. My thoughts were really confused. I didn't even have time to think about whether I would survive tomorrow. I vomit so much, I really can't find words to describe the pain.

Image source: Stone brother drawing

2. What tests will your doctor do for you:
At the beginning, Dr. Wang was afraid that I was caused by cervical spine or brain lesions, so he performed tests related to functional lesions of the nervous system, including computed tomography and MRI, to rule out "central vertigo". Then do the tests related to the ear, nose, and throat that belong to "peripheral vertigo", including IOP test, electrocardiogram, auditory evoked potential test, ophthalmogram test, inner ear temperature difference test... etc. I compare these images. Profound, after all, the number of colleagues and netizens who have asked me about vertigo over the years has exceeded the number of fingers.

✅Ophthalmogram inspection: Let me enter the darkroom, put on an observer, confirm that the light spot goes from left to right and then to the left in front of my eyes, and see how the speed difference of the eye tracking light spot?
✅Inner ear temperature difference test: pour cold air and hot air into my ears respectively to see my dizzy response.

When my symptoms were at the spot of eye tracking, I found that the speed of my left eyeball was slow for a few tenths of a second. At the same time, it had no effect when hot air was poured into my left ear, and the symptoms of dizziness were quite obvious when cold air was poured into it. I closed my eyes and stood on one foot. It got worse too, and I think maybe that's the main reason why I had to lie on my side when I was bedridden with vertigo.

What are the types of vertigo:
✅1. Central vertigo: This has brain and neck lesions, and is more afraid of stroke. It is important to check it quickly. The cardiovascular examination that should be paid attention to, should be carried out according to the doctor's arrangement.
✅2. Peripheral vertigo: Do more for this category.
◆2-1. Abnormal loss of otoliths (benign postural vertigo): my colleagues have several patients with this mild disease;
◆2-2. Followed by vestibular neuritis: accounting for 4%; the symptoms will last for several days, which will definitely make you feel unbearable. Therefore, if you have cold symptoms of viral infection, do not delay to deal with it.
◆2-3. Meniere's disease: accounts for 1%; the symptoms will last for several hours, and it is also related to the change of weather and air pressure.

Image source: Stone brother drawing

4. How can you prevent:
1. Don't touch caffeine and drink alcohol; but now I can have one or two American cups and drinks a day.
2. Limit salt intake;
3. Eat less kelp food;
4. When you have cold symptoms of viral infection, don't delay to take medicine immediately.
5. Protect your ears from cold weather: try not to let cold wind enter your ears, especially in autumn and winter and in the mountains; one winter, when I went to the Cingjing farm, the car would not be able to reach people, and it was not relieved until I went down the mountain the next day.

【in conclusion】

I think vertigo can be controlled through normal work and rest, food hygiene, and continuous exercise, but at the beginning, you must see a doctor for a complete diagnosis until the cause is confirmed. When I took medicine for half a year, I only had two or three episodes of dizziness in a season. When it was severe, I went to the hospital to relieve it. I had one or two episodes in half a year. In the past five years, it seems that the virus has been controlled quite well, at most two or three times a year. Sexual infection (at the sign of a cold), you will feel a little dizzy and uncomfortable. Just take a cold medicine and add electrolyzed water for half a day.
Therefore, I have experienced this kind of phobia that I can't find any suitable words to describe: vertigo; it has indeed made me a lot more open-minded, not thinking about tomorrow's things, becoming a spider man (a sponsor), setting up a volunteer club, Invested in public welfare for more than ten years. Today, I wrote down my experience and organized it into two charts to share with you. If there is anything unclear, please leave a message and ask. You are welcome.


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