[Shen Nong Duck] A variety of Korean instant noodles are not professional food

Some Korean instant noodles experience!

PS. All photos are taken by myself

Shennong's tasted all kinds of herbs, Shennong's duck tasted all kinds of food XD are unprofessional food notes, photos are taken casually, pure sharing, don't be too serious.

Nongshim Raccoon Fried Udon Noodles with Spicy Seafood Cheese

fish board with cute raccoon

The noodles are thicker and feel worse than ordinary Korean instant noodles

Cook for 5 minutes on the package

I don't think it's okay for people who don't like their noodles to be a bit tough to cook for 6-7 minutes

The cheese taste is quite fragrant, the taste is spicy and slightly sweet, it is delicious

Those who can't eat spicy chicken noodles can consider trying this

Nongshim Raccoon Fried Sauce Udon Noodles

The same cute raccoon fish board

It is the instant noodles popularized by the Korean movie Parasitic High

Koreans are very popular

Mix and cook the original raccoon instant noodles with the fried sauce instant noodles

Because the movie took the popularity overseas

The industry simply made a mashup version

It tastes like spicy fried noodles

Because the instant noodles are not spicy

The chili oil of the raccoon noodles is added to change the fragrance

Zongjiafu Hot Kimchi Noodles

It really comes with a small packet of kimchi

Smells sour but actually tastes good

Although the name says it's hot, I think the spiciness is just right

Not too spicy

Mr. Kimchi's Handmade Kimchi Dry Noodles

The seasoning is good, the sour and spicy taste of kimchi

It's a pity it comes with a bonus, but the kimchi is dry and not tasty

The kimchi with the kimchi conditioning package in Zongjiafu above is delicious

Nongshim Kimchi Shin Ramen

Shin ramen soup with kimchi is slightly sour

It's not spicy than the normal red ramen noodles, and it's delicious

By the way, I like the black version of Shin ramen the most.

It is more fragrant than the red non-spicy mushroom

Nongshim Shin Ramen Fried Noodles

Chow mein version of Shin ramen

There is a super cute fish board with "Sin" written on it

Spicy than noodle soup

It is recommended to add chili oil slowly according to your own seasoning

Seasoning powder is also spicy but not as spicy as chili oil

The shiitake mushrooms in its seasoning powder taste overweight and fragrant

I love the mushroom flavor...

The noodle is a little thinner than the noodle soup

Just cook for 2 minutes

Tumbler Cheese Ramen

When I see "flavor", I want to say that there is only cheese soup and noodles.

Did not expect to have dried vegetables ham corn

And actually the cheese tastes really strong

The cheese powder should be cooked before adding it to the bowl so that it is more fragrant

Hot Cat Qingyang Chili Sauce Noodles

Not as spicy as spicy chicken noodles but still quite spicy

Delicious although the taste is not very special

But the face is very Q, I like it very much

Hot Cat Qingyang Chili Fried Noodles

Less spicy than green-packed jajang noodles

The soup is very fragrant, and the aroma of chili is also more pronounced

I like the seasoning of fried noodles

But the dried noodles with fried sauce seems to be more Q bomb~


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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