【Throw one thing a day】Day. 91 Two hair ties

Throwing One Thing a Day Plan

It takes about half a year for the hair tie to become loose like this, because I have a lot of hair volume, and it is easy to tie the hair tie off. With luck, the hair tie will simply become loose like this.

For example, I am not very suitable for using a telephone wire-shaped hair tie. After using it once, the original hair tie will become super wide, as if the hair tie is broken, and then use it to tie the hair several times more times, maybe Each time there will be more than one lap, and finally the hair tie will become a whole ball like a knotted ball of yarn. Or just use a normal hair tie obediently/_>\

Thank you for these two hard hair hoops, goodbye~


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komoto-wp嘿🖖地球人,歡迎來到我的小宇宙。 目前主業是玩貓,副業為不務正業地凡人,正在練習躺平中。 【野生小本出沒地】https://portaly.cc/komotonekobox
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