We don't know each other in a long distance |


Wang Wei's "Nanjing" is one of my favorite poems.

The poem says:

Canoeing to the South Pass
It's hard to come to the north
Looking across the river
far from acquaintance

In Wang Wei's Wangchuan villa, there is a lake called Huanhu, with two mountains on both sides, the south one is called Nanya, and the north one is called Beiya.

One day, Wang Wei set out from the foot of the mountain in the south. He was going to the mountain in the north. When the boat was in the middle of the lake, Wang Wei suddenly didn't want to go any further, so he stopped in the middle of the lake.

Although, he still has a lot of yearning for the other side of the lake, but he decided,

leave what's on the other side, stay on the other side,

leave the unknown in the unknown,

If you don't go to the other side of the lake, you can't go up.

the man on the other side,

If there is no chance to know, there is no chance to know,

Not knowing each other from a distance, that's fine.

Matters, here I am, if you don't know each other, you don't know each other.


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