Logbook Creation Solitaire|Engrave your 2022 prophecy on the blockchain with Matty


The new version of Logbook (for Traveloggers) is live! Have you tried it? Already some Matt citizens have started to share their creations on it😍

👉Click here to see the completed Logbook   https://logbook.matters.news/library/

Go to the main Logbook page https://logbook.matters.news/
What is a logbook? how to use? Click here to see the introduction and usage guide of Logbook
Don't have Travelloggers yet? Click here to see all https://opensea.io/collection/traveloggers

Each logbook is an NFT (the holder will mint into an independent NFT when claiming the logbook). Matty also launched an on-chain creation activity yesterday: use the logbook to write down the words you cherish and want to pass on

Today I would like to invite everyone to join Matty's 2022 oracles!

The past few years have been full of ups and downs for everyone. The epidemic has not yet subsided, but the war has started, which makes people wonder: what else is waiting for us in 2022? Matty and his friends wrote a series of predictions about the situation in 2022 on the day the Logbook was launched ( see what predictions Matty wrote? Click here ), including epidemics, conflicts, and elections. What predictions do you have for 2022? What do you think will happen to the major events of this era? Where will your personal life go as a result? By the end of 2022, when we look back at those early-year forecasts, how will we feel?

The first season is coming to an end this year, so let's write down your imagination for 2022!

Write Your 2022 Prophecy with Matty

1. Subject: Write down your predictions for 2022. This is a prophecy, not a virtual creation, so your content needs to conform to the logic of the real world, and the characters, countries, and events that appear must actually exist. You can write your estimates of the world situation, your guesses about public issues, or your expectations for the people and things around you.

Example: It is estimated that the European war will break out in 2022 Example: It is estimated that my daughter will be admitted to the first choice in 2022

2. Activity form: In the form of solitaire, everyone writes their own prophecies in this logbook , and after writing, they pass it on to the next person. You need to have a Polygon-enabled crypto wallet (eg MetaMask) to receive logbooks; you also need MATIC (Polygon's token) to write content and transfer logbooks.

3. Event start date: From now until April 15th

4. Matty will post the prophecies written by everyone to Matters.News after the event, inviting the community to vote for the top three prophecies they think are most likely to happen. The three winners will share the prize equally.

5. If the prophecy logbook completed by the co-creation is sold, the proceeds will be equally distributed to each author who participates in the co-creation.

6. The bonus calculation method is:

A: The total number of people participating in the creation (according to the actual number of participants after the event ends), more than two people are required
B: Among the people who participated in the creation, the number of people holding Travelloggers (subject to the Matters account showing Xiaojushu)
C: There are several Logbooks sold in OpenSea (the floor price must be above 0.01 ETH)

Total bonus (MATIC) = Ax1+Bx4+Cx5

At present, the first nine prophecies have been completed, and I hope to find more citizens to complete the prophecy book together, and invite all Matt citizens to participate together~ Those who want to participate in this event, please leave a message +1 in the message area, Matty will arrange the order, and logbook Pass it on to the next one!

Go to the main Logbook page https://logbook.matters.news/
What is a logbook? how to use? Click here to see the introduction and usage guide of Logbook
Don't have Travelloggers yet? Click here to see all https://opensea.io/collection/traveloggers

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