The thirty-eighth commissioned data report - IBC is very important, the seventeenth proposal is voting. . .

The seventeenth proposal of LikeCoin Chain has entered the voting stage. This proposal is a vote on whether LikeCoin will open IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) to issue and receive virtual assets. If the proposal is passed, LikeCoin Chain can be used with other Cosmos-based blocks. The interoperability of chains (among them, ATOM and the popular OSMO) is very important to strengthen the liquidity of LikeCoin.

This issue is the 38th issue of the commissioned data report. The data is taken from the evening of 2/10/2021 and compared with the data of the previous Saturday night of 25/9/2021. The data interval is a regular 7 days. The total number of entrustments in this issue has slightly decreased, but the number of entrusted wallets and the number of entrusted transactions continued to hit new highs and broke records for four consecutive weeks. The seventeenth proposal of LikeCoin Chain has entered the voting stage. This proposal is a vote on whether LikeCoin will open IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) to issue and receive virtual assets. If the proposal is passed, LikeCoin Chain can be used with other Cosmos-based blocks. The interoperability of chains (among them, ATOM and the popular OSMO) is very important to strengthen the liquidity of LikeCoin. This proposal is also the second proposal after the upgrade of LikeCoin that can be voted on by all Likers. People who are interested are like code farmers. They also held an online workshop on Saturday to teach everyone to vote. They are very caring and deserve applause 👏👏. So far, 59 votes have been cast, all in favor, accounting for 48% of the valid votes (including delegate votes from validators who voted). There are ten days left for the seventeenth proposal to end. It seems that the number of votes this time will be larger than the previous proposal, which is very gratifying.

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 1604 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 23 / 9
Total Likecoin delegated: 796 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 3 / 3
Total number of orders: 3813 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 7.01% (new low)
Commission ratio: 75.23%

In this issue, the number of entrusted wallets and orders continued to rise, and both continued to hit new highs, but the increase was reduced. At the same time, the total number of orders fell by more than 7 million to 796 million. The validator continues to maintain the upper limit of 50, and three validators have switched positions when the total number remains unchanged. The entrustment ratio edged down by 0.78% to 75.23%. Although the total number of orders and the ratio have been reduced, the old cat believes that the order rate of more than 70% is a normal and healthy ratio. It is very normal to fluctuate in this range, and some LikeCoins have not made orders, which actually maintains the liquidity of LikeCoins. , which is actually helpful to the development of LikeCoin. When IBC is opened and an exchange pool of LikeCoin is established, Liker can also provide liquidity for LikeCoin, which can also expand the number of Likers and make the LikeCoin ecosystem more mature. Since the entrustment ratio is higher than 67% of the safety entrustment ratio, the entrusted interest rate continues to move towards 7% and continues to hit a new low of 7.01%. The entrusted interest rate should reach the lowest 7% next week!

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 Average number of Likecoins in a single delegation: 209,000 Average delegations per wallet: 496,000 Median likecoins in a single delegation: 400 Median delegations per wallet: Average delegation amount for 1,000 validators: Average of 15.92 million validators Number of commissions: 76

Due to the decrease in the number of orders in this issue and the slight increase in the number of wallets and the number of orders, the average order has decreased, and the median has remained stable. The number of validators in recent periods is the upper limit of 50, and the number is stable, so the average number is mainly driven by the molecules. Therefore, the average number of validators entrusted in this issue has decreased, and the average number of orders has not been rounded due to the small decrease in the number of orders. Change.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 34.87 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 150 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 23
The maximum number of orders for one bet: 15.642 million

In this issue, the maximum number of orders for a single wallet dropped by two and returned to 23, while the other numbers remained calm, exactly the same as last week. The validator distribution map of this issue has some changes from last week. The changes are concentrated in the lower part of the map. You can pay attention to it! The report is complete!


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