Rescue the dog foster family | Indiscriminate Lovers: Write a Love Story

In 2016, after I rescued the first abused stray dog by accident, I decided to be a foster family and help various rescue groups take care of different stray dogs for a short period of time. Since then, my home has become a zoo... ...

In 2016, I inadvertently rescued an abused stray dog (see the related article for my story with Apple.)

The little apple I adopted was seriously injured. In order to make her survive and live well, I joined many dog groups and tried my best.

Because I believe that when God let me meet her helpless, it must not be for me to watch her die in the cold winter night, I not only want to save her, but also make her the happiest Wang, so slap in the face those who abuse animals.

Dogs can live happier than you have become my mission.

Because I have met many dog owners, dog lovers, and animal protection groups, I know how miserable the lives of stray animals can be in places without animal protection laws.

At that time, many foreigners in Beijing rescued stray cats and dogs alone. The most reputable animal welfare home adoption shop in Beijing was also opened by foreigners. The owner was Chris, who graduated from Yale University’s history department. The action of the dog (the dog thief sent the dog to the dog meat restaurant) has since stepped into the animal protection business. Since then, I have paid without regrets and moved many people, and I am one of them.

Too many factors add up to make me pay more and more attention to stray animals. I spend far more time watching the news of various dog groups than watching the Moments, which is really not like me. I have no choice but to open a group, I have never joined any group, not only a group, but also extended to the point where I don’t have any beliefs, so I don’t have to go to church, I don’t have to go to Buddha… But this group of poor little beings Aroused my passion for interpersonal relationships.

There is a foreign girl Sabrina in the dynamic security circle who teaches English in a kindergarten in Beijing. She loves dogs very much. In addition to adopting five stray dogs, she also rescues other stray dogs. I silently observed her for a long time, and after confirming that she is someone you can trust , began to help her without hesitation. Donating money is still a small matter. Although there are not many people who donate money, it is still much easier to donate money. The most troublesome thing for those who really do animal protection is how to divert the rescue whenever there is an aid activity. Cats and dogs, give them temporary family adoption until they are adopted.

Since it is very difficult to find adoption, if you find it, you may be retired. However, it is impossible for foster families to take care of the dog indefinitely, so they usually talk about a good time, such as one month or two months. At this time, the integrity of the rescuer will be tested. If you If you don’t trust the other party, it is impossible to agree to the trusteeship, lest the dog will run away after being thrown away, or it will not be able to be picked up. Especially in the mainland, there is a policy of one dog per household, and there are many people who hate dogs. Therefore, as long as the foster family is complained, the person will be rescued. The dog has to be picked up immediately - I don't mean three or five days immediately, it's not that good, it's right now, otherwise the dog's life will be lost.

And just like that, I joined Sabrina's small rescue team.

My first rescue was tough.

Sabrina found several small milk dogs in a forest, but she didn't find the mother dog around, so she organized a rescue operation and found a hemp blower.

(Note: Stray dogs are wary and may hurt you, so we'll anesthetize them first.)

Those who participated in the rescue first gathered outside the forest.

Although we probably know the location of the five little milk dogs, the dogs will not stay there waiting for you, and don't think that they will wait for you to feed them if you take some sausages. My experience is that no matter how hungry the dogs are alertness.

Sabrina divided us into three groups, went into the woods to look for milk dogs, and if they found them, they would notify the puppet master to come.

The forest is very large, and the road is not easy to walk. The milk dogs are scattered again, and it is difficult to see traces. Master Chuuma ran away before he arrived, so it was very difficult to find.

Our group searched for more than two hours in the woods, and finally both were anesthetized.

After being hit by anesthesia, dogs will not fall down immediately. Most of them can run for a while, so they may still run away or hide somewhere so that you can't find them. This is why everyone succeeded in the end. Five puppies were anesthetized, but one could not be found no matter what, but seeing that the sky was getting dark, the visibility was still very poor even with a flashlight, so I had to give up and take the four puppies away first.

Since Sabrina's group is coming back tomorrow to find the last one, I was assigned to take care of two puppies.
Take them to the veterinary hospital for inspection and deworming while they are still asleep.
After arriving at the hospital, the puppies woke up slowly. At this time, they would be very scared, so they had to be coaxed.

After I brought it back to the studio, the dog was still very frightened, and it didn't even dare to look at me when it was attached to the wall.

I comforted it patiently, talked to it, told it not to be afraid, rubbed her belly, and then gave it something delicious, and the stray dog might pee on the bed because of being too nervous, so you should Be patient.

As long as it can sense your kindness and patience, a dog, no matter how wary, can start to trust you in a day or two.
After this experience, I became addicted to rescue, and there is not a dog that does not make you feel warm.

Then, I took the plunge and took on a big challenge.

Huihui's mother is a stray dog. Fortunately, they were found by the protection group. Although the dog's mother still did not survive (because she was injured by residents while hiding in the community), all the puppies were rescued.

Because the mother was severely malnourished, the puppy, Grey Grey, was very thin and paralyzed in both legs.

Although there is a small courtyard to take them in, the aunt of the animal protection group is worried that Hui Hui will not be well taken care of in the small courtyard, but Hui Hui has never been able to find a foster family, so I said I will take care of him. .

Huihui was very close, and he was not at all wary. At that time, there were six or seven stray dogs that came and went in my studio at that time, and he was not afraid.

After I took over Hui Hui, the food I gave it was especially good, because I hoped a miracle would happen. The doctor said that if the nutrition is good, Hui Hui will have a chance to stand up again.

At this time, I was already an experienced rescuer, and I was familiar with all the care, but I didn't expect Huihui's problem to be very serious.

Because Huihui was too thin, he couldn't pack a diaper, and he tried various cloths, but it fell off quickly, so he finally trained Huihui to go to the dog toilet on his own.

Huihui is very smart and can be taught a few times, but because of his paralysis, he often drags his urine and feces along the ground before he climbs to the dog toilet. Once other dogs step on it, the studio will become better. horrible.

The other thing is that Hui Hui is very fragile and needs to be very gentle when touching it, so I am very afraid of other dogs or myself stepping on it, but I can't bear to keep it in a cage - I never cage a dog. , this is actually a very cruel act.

So I had to break my nerves and stare at Huihui all day long. At night, I would separate Huihui from other dogs, for fear of other dogs accidentally hurting him, but Huihui always wanted to be with other dogs, Dogs are pack animals after all, so Huihui will struggle to crawl to them. Every time I look at it, I feel so sad, but I have to take it back to his bed with a ruthless heart.

The promised time for foster care was three months, but I couldn’t hold it any longer. I was really sorry when I asked the aunt from Animal Protection to pick up Hui Hui.

Until now, Huihui is the only dog I have bounced tickets for. I am very sorry for him, very much.

I don't know what Huihui thinks, but I know that dogs have feelings.

There are friends who kindly comfort me, you are already well, I can only smile bitterly.

In fact, rescue is not charity, you promise to be a responsibility.

Gray became a pain in my heart forever. After that, every time I rescued me, I would say, if no one is willing to take over, give it to me.

On the one hand, all stray dogs are cute in my eyes, on the other hand, I have been looking for opportunities to return this love to stray animals like Hui Hui.

People who know that I am rescuing stray animals will praise me for being kind, am I kind?

I have been praised by adults as a kind child since I was a child.

Because I will use the pocket money I have to buy bread and milk to feed stray cats and dogs.

When Wang was beaten at home, I jumped over to protect Wang with a small body, and then cried and told the adults that if you want to beat me, hit me, this kind of Korean drama line...

I thought it would always be this kind...

The fact is, after "Little Conscience" grew up, he experienced various difficulties such as work, starting a business, going bankrupt, making a comeback, and joining the evil showbiz...

Gradually, the small conscience changed into the iron heart.

Gradually, the little conscience changed to recognize money but not people.

Also developed many general principles of steel iron;

You dare to lie to me and you are dead...

You dare to pit me, you are dead...

If you dare to change people, you will die...

You dare to pay late and you are dead...

Not only is he charging forward in the workplace, but he can't wait to kill the opponent without leaving his armor...

Until one day, the former little conscience, and later the little devil, met the seriously injured little apple.

Little Apple's painful wailing was like a magical movement, awakening the kindness that Little Conscience buried deep in her heart because she was afraid of being used.

With the increasing number of rescues that Little Conscience participated in, the energy gradually increased...

Unconsciously, Xiao Conscience's heart began to soften, and she liked giving more and more.

Those who were originally hostile to the little conscience were turned into resistance by the little conscience because of the gentle face and the attitude of taking the initiative to give.

Xiaoliangxin asked: Have you heard the story of Dharma Drum Mountain in Taiwan, Master Shengyan?

Master wears a gasa all year round, and has two vegetarian meals for decades.

But his acts of kindness and righteousness moved tens of thousands of people to follow him.

In 2008, he was persuaded to have a kidney transplant due to a malignant tumor in his left kidney, but he was determined to leave the opportunity to young people.

In February 2009, Master Shengyan passed away. His last words were not to build tombs, not to build towers, not to erect monuments, not to erect statues...

Xiaoliangxin's mother is a volunteer at Dharma Drum Mountain. She told Xiaoliang that many people shed tears when they see Master for the first time. In the final analysis, it is because of the strong magnetic field that exudes from him, which can make you feel without words. To care, feel kindness, let the people who are in the world and the troubles of the world instantly relieve their hearts...

It turns out that the real power never depends on the open mouth and claws, but the righteous thoughts and good deeds.

When a person is compassionate, his energy rises, and there are a few halos on his head. From then on, bad people dare not do evil, and bad things can't get close to oneself. As a human being and doing things, it will be much smoother.

Maybe one day, like Master Shengyan, he can turn the qi into peace and make the wicked change their past.

So Xiao Liangxin really felt that she saved the little animals, and the little animals also saved her.

Xiaoliang saves the broken body of the little animal, but the little animal drives away the little devil inside for Xiaoliang... (Now the little devil will run back from time to time, but the little conscience has found a way to cure the little devil)

Now, I grow up with the puppies I rescued and get better together.

I want to be a self who is willing to give and become my ultimate goal.

Because I have tasted the "sweetness" , I also hope that more people will lend a helping hand to desperate and helpless lives within their own capabilities.

I believe that after you do this, you will be able to truly appreciate what it means to give is more blessed than to receive.

Moreover, giving is more blessed than receiving, and it does not distinguish between good and small, let alone the amount of money paid.

Positive energy has never been said and done.


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