Dumb Juvenile Offenders (Season 3): Insanity is the capital of youth|A drama for everyone #7


Hello everyone, welcome to Renyi DreamWorks. The TV series we are going to watch today is The Young Offenders S3. The TV series of "Dai Juvenile Delinquent" is in its third season, and the story continues the end of the last season when Jock and Siobhan gave birth to a baby. This season maintains the original style and characters under the original pattern, and continues to bring moving messages in the story full of jokes, so the author's impression of it is: very good!

Continuing the trend from last season, this season's "Dumb Offenders" continues to inject more emotion into the various hilarious plots, especially the stories about Máiréad and Billy Murphy. The former is really moving when he talks about raising Jock and Conor by himself. Even though he is angry at their stupid behavior, he still has a trace of longing and hope in his heart, hoping that they will become talented when they grow up. can be put into value. Originally, I didn't have much affection for Billy Murphy's character, sometimes it was very funny, but there were a lot of times when it was annoying. Until the last episode, the series presents his trauma and past, hiding a trace of pain behind his madness, while also reflecting how much influence a loved one can have on a person. (Seriously, without the care of Máiréad, Jock and Conor would probably be Billy Murphy, or worse)

Of course, the most playful thing about "Dai Juvenile Offender" is the extremely nonsensical and unexpected jokes, and there are still many of them this season. From novice dad Jock taking care of star, to Jock and Conor constantly questioning the definition of stealing, to Sergeant Healy's morbid pursuit of Máiréad, every character is full of joy, and the two protagonists Jock and Conor continue to laugh and play their roles. Unique aura and charm, showing the infinite frivolity and improvisation of youth. However, I personally think that compared to the previous two seasons, the laughter of this season is relatively a little restrained, not so spicy and "aggressive", and the emotional position has begun to overshadow the light of the comedy section. Maybe a different angle is more suitable. Family viewing (actually not 🤡), after all, this kind of comedy style is really quite personal and not necessarily acceptable to every audience.

In conclusion, this season's "The Young Offenders" brings more emotions and character stories. In the last episode, it also brings different relationships and connections to several characters. If there is no accident, it should continue to be released in the fourth season. We saw more laughs and tears.

It says here on Tripadvisor Casey's BnB only has one star - Jock
Well, that means someone's already stayed there, so it can't be that bad - Máiréad

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