[Open painting is good] 2021-12-09 wave

with water and paint


This is a series that organizes and publishes the "open the drawing software and draw a little" series, which is called "open the painting" for short.

In order to develop a habit, one needs to lower the threshold of one’s own practice of a certain habit, and then get used to doing it every day. Years, three years, five years, ten years, twenty years... that's pretty incredible.

[Open painting is good] 2021-12-09 wave

with water and paint


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Aly機械眼睛 攝影照片紀錄/雜心得/覺得有用的東西推廣 可以來liker.social找我:https://liker.social/invite/PFZQpHsb
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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

