I Life Diary - New Experience - Gastroenteroscopy I

The reason why I recorded this article is partly to remind my future self, and partly to give an experience talk to my friends who are about to have a gastroenteroscopy, but they don't know and are flustered.

I Life Diary - New Experience - Gastroenteroscopy I

The reason why I recorded this article is partly to remind my future self, and partly to give an experience talk to my friends who are about to have a gastroenteroscopy, but they don't know and are flustered.


As we all know, colorectal cancer is the number one cancer in my country. Taiwan also stipulates that colonoscopy must be done after a certain age. However, the average age of colorectal cancer patients is increasing year by year, and there are even patients in their 30s. Most of these young patients also have a family history of the disease.

In fact, colorectal cancer seems to be a very common disease in Taiwan. When I went to the clinic that day, the aunt in the next clinic came to check for colorectal cancer. Seeing their light-hearted looks, it seems that they are not surprised.

In fact, I have no concept of colonoscopy at all, only the most cursory and superficial understanding: the doctor will take a long tube into the stomach and take pictures, and it is from the back.

Just thinking about it like this may have to overcome, probably the feeling of being "backward" and terrified by being unfamiliar, but colonoscopy is much more than that... (smiling bitterly)



About 4 years ago, I had the problem of internal hemorrhoids (even though I knew it was a civilized disease, I was still a little ashamed to talk about it...), the first time I found out, after going to the toilet, I found that I still had a pile of "blood". ’, that’s right, the super bright red kind, people who didn’t know thought I was seriously injured, and that color was obviously different from menstruation.

The first time I was really scared, because I remembered that my ex-boyfriend mentioned his own father, and he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer only after he found bloody stools.

Immediately I called my dad, but my dad thought that I was so young (around 23 at the time), it should just be hemorrhoids or anal fissure, and it was unlikely that I had any terrible gastrointestinal problems. After the attack, it took a long time for me to encounter "bloody stool" again, but because it didn't hurt, I didn't take it seriously.

In recent years, due to the lack of proper relief from work and psychological pressure, various gastrointestinal discomforts have occurred, and bloody stools have become more frequent every day. Recently, I decided to see a doctor. After all, this kind of bleeding every day, even internal hemorrhoids is not a solution, right? Girls have enough menstruation to bleed, and now there is one more blood hole, and one day she will faint from anemia.

After explaining the situation to my family, they were also dumbfounded at how I dragged it on for so long, and it was at this time that I figured out the original hemorrhoid problem. Ke, I also read psychiatry, but this is another story, I will share it when I have a chance.

After listening to the description of my symptoms, the doctor also thought that it should be a hemorrhoid problem. The first reason to exclude it was because the age was not at the stage of the disease, there was no family history (confirmed with my family beforehand), and the blood was bright red (God, after this period of time, I can do a hemorrhoid analysis hahaha), but for the sake of safety, he still arranged a colonoscopy for me.

What impressed me at the time was that when he asked me if I wanted anesthesia, he raised his legs proudly and said that he was a doctor in Yunlin who was doing gastroenteroscopy anesthesia, not sure if it was really that powerful. , but I was stunned right now, but I thought about the extra cost of about 300. If I checked it out, it was just hemorrhoids, wouldn’t it be a big loss, and I consider myself to be a very pain-tolerant person. For the next person, the gastroenteroscope just sticks "things" into the body for examination. It should not be a big deal, so it is a fool to choose "no anesthesia gastroscope".

*Gastroenteroscopy is also divided into "no anesthesia" (health insurance benefits), "local anesthesia", "general anesthesia"


low residue diet

Colon cleansing should be performed three days before the examination, with a "low-residue diet" for two days and a "liquid diet" on the third day.

*The mode of colon cleansing is different in each hospital, please follow the doctor's instructions.

Many people will be curious about how the low-residue diet is divided, whether this one works or the other, but in fact, the doctor is also worried that you will not be clean.

I have seen some people go to extremes, eating white steamed buns or steamed eggs for three meals on the first two days, and only drinking sports drinks on the third day.

This is indeed very safe, but for me, because I am a vegetarian, I don’t eat much, so it is not too difficult for me. I ate a small bento for lunch on the first day, and the meals were one bite. I ate a noodle at noon on the second day, and then I ate white toast with sweet soup. On the third day, I only drank beverages.

The third day is really hard enough. At this time, all the social media will automatically recommend articles and advertisements about your various diets. It's really annoying. I'm already very hungry, and I keep seeing a bunch of delicious desserts, crying. what.


bowel cleansing process

Thankfully, I finally made it to the third day. I was full of the feeling of "I'm going to explode after my fucking examination", and I fell asleep early the night before.

The next morning, I woke up at 5:00 am and started drinking the colon cleanser.

*Reminder: each hospital has different arrangements and doctor's orders, please follow the doctor's instructions!

I went to bed early the day before, so I woke up around 4am the next day. Wake up early to prepare my potion first!

The hospital gave Niflec, and the way of quoting it was:

1. Niflec: 2000CC of water

2. Drink 500CC every 30 minutes

3. After drinking the above, drink 2000CC

That is to say, I have to fill 4000CC in one morning. I don’t feel it just by looking at the numbers. When it is really soaked, I am scared. Although I read on the Internet that Naifolisan can be mixed with beverages, I still feel pretty bad after drinking it. It's disgusting, especially the medicine itself should have added sugar, plus sports drinks, the whole is so sweet that it explodes.

Later, I drank this 2000CC while mixing water, and I didn't finish drinking it (one Mimi was left), but the bowel movement was clear yellow, and the time to see the doctor was approaching, so I stopped drinking the medicine first to avoid the time It will be very embarrassing to have a bowel movement when I see a doctor, although I have nothing in my stomach at this time.


Consultation process

I was a little stupid that day. I remembered the wrong time for the consultation. It was the hospital who called me to urge me. I was still wondering if they remembered it wrong. When I got to the hospital, I found out that there was another consultation form, and it was written clearly. I have to come early XD (I was wrong, sorry)

In the front, a basic gastrointestinal ultrasound was performed first, followed by a gastroscope, and finally a colonoscopy.

At this time, the nurse came to confirm the information first, and gave me special pants, the kind that started on the back of the pants.

When I was lying on the hospital bed, the nurse sprayed an anesthetic in my throat, and the medicine to relax my gastrointestinal muscles was applied to my hand, I slowly realized: Damn it, what is the difference between me and the food on the dip plate now? I don't have half of my relatives or friends. I'm really the loneliest person in the world (tears).

At this time, the nurse came to help me put on a special muzzle with a round hole for the doctor to fix the gastroscope tube, but no matter how it looked, it looked like some kind of sex toy...

When the doctor actually put the tube in, he felt panicky. Although it wasn't very painful, he was very nervous and had shortness of breath. He was asked by the nurse to look straight ahead and not move around. I couldn't help but think of the animal hospital. The small animal fixed on the operating table is very nervous, and the human next to you will keep saying to you: It's okay, you're great, it's almost over. Completely match the picture.

In order to make the contents of the stomach and intestines visible, the doctor not only stretched the tube, but also pumped gas in the stomach and intestines, so I wanted to hiccup very much. I couldn't hold back the super-sized hiccup a few times. At that time, I might have been a little dizzy because of the anesthesia. I feel so disgusting, I hate other people's hiccups XD

The gastroscope went well, but the tube was over there, it was annoying, and the doctor only said that there was a little stomach inflammation and so on... (It should be a small problem), but at the end I still felt quite tense. , I have been wondering if the colonoscopy will be super-explosive and painful...

Then the doctor came, raised my bed, and begged the nurse next to me to talk to me, not to run and play music I couldn't even hear.

Then it started. At first, it wasn’t too painful, but when the doctor started pumping gas into the intestines and began to encounter turns in the large intestine, it was the beginning of the torture. I squeezed the tube out, took a few deep breaths, and scared myself to the point of crying. The nurse next door ran over to ask if I could help, and then I got in slowly and smoothly.

In fact, when I look back on it, the panic is better than the pain. I feel at the mercy of others and I don't know what's going on. The doctor keeps sticking the tube to your bowel wall, and I'm relatively thin, so I have no idea what's going on. You can feel the tube, really panic to blow up.

Fortunately, the tube was very scary to go in, and when it came out, it felt almost like a bowel movement. The doctor said, "Wow, your intestines are very clean, very clean!" You shouldn't need to have a gastroenteroscopy in the next ten years (the implication is that I am fine?), ah, I will not force the patient to do anesthesia, but if you are really uncomfortable, like you are very thin , I suggest that anesthesia can be considered.

Fuck me, I swear right now that I will definitely, definitely, definitely be anesthetized for a colonoscopy in the future.

It's terrifying. Woohoo.

After the doctor left, I could still feel some wet and sticky intestinal fluid on my thighs when I got off the bed. When I walked out of the clinic, everyone was looking at me, and my hair was messed up in the mirror... Only then did I realize that the voice I had just cried in the clinic must have been heard.

Super, lose, face.

After changing clothes in a hurry, I took a rest in the hospital seat, and when the anesthesia in the mouth was gone, I quickly ran away.

I originally wanted to go home and have a good meal, but because my stomach was filled with gas during the examination, I was in a state of severe flatulence all day, and I could not eat until the evening. Very poor woohoo.



In general, I just recommend everyone, gastroscope should choose anesthesia XDDD

Unless you want to experience it, it's scary enough to have a snake rampaging through your intestines.

The first part of the bowel cleansing is relatively easy for me, and another reason may be that I am a vegetarian and don’t eat red meat at all.

But I hope you don't need to have such a terrible experience. I am also holding one today, sharing and persuading the world, and laying down my experience... It can be regarded as a special life experience...

But when I was lying in the hospital bed, I had a feeling: I am going to die, and I will never die in such a ghost place where all the machines are.

The dream is to be able to sleep forever by the sea, in the arms of nature.


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