Before choosing a candidate, see what the next day will be like

You thought about Valentine's Day. Or Qingming Festival?

It's yours, no one can take it away

It's not yours, I can't keep it

Find the right lover, every day is Valentine's Day

So no need for 2/14 Western Valentine's Day

So no need for 3/14 White Day

So no need for 7/7 Tanabata

Because every day is Valentine's Day

Find the wrong lover, every day is Ching Ming Festival

So don't care about 2/14 Western Valentine's Day

So don't care 3/14 White Day

So don't pay attention to 7/7 Tanabata

Because he may not even remember his parents' birthdays

How could it be possible to have a head loaded about your Valentine's Day

Probably only when burning things and burning money for him

He will know, oh, so you are his lover

Otherwise, every day is like Qingming Festival


Because you're waiting for a dead man to come back to life


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

末日毒藥一個世界末日後的殘存者,很兩極,沒有性別,只有靈魂,不懂得愛,卻熱愛寫愛。我不能給什麼承諾,但我可以答應,就算世界末日,還有我在。❤️ 追蹤和拍手都會回拍和追蹤呦!❤️
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