【One person, one nostalgic game】Hide and seek (Liker id: @LucasLeung)


Hide and seek (also known as soldiers to catch thieves, hide and seek) is believed to be a well-known game. It is a very popular game among children. The best place to play is in a place with many sheltered points.

How to play:

In the beginning, everyone will gather at a central point. One of them will be the catcher (often referred to as "soldiers" or "ghosts"), and the others have to find a hiding place within a specified time. When the time is up, the catcher will look around to find other participants. The ultimate goal of the game is to avoid the catcher. hide and seek

While others are looking for cover, the catcher needs to make sure he doesn't see the process. Usually he will be blindfolded, or turn his back to the other participants (usually by leaning against a tree trunk, pillar or wall with his arms over his eyes and counting "1, 2, 3..." to the prescribed number), Then count down (the time is determined by the player, about 10 seconds to 1 minute). After the countdown is over, the catcher will notify the other participants (eg "I'm coming!", "Start!"...) and the game will begin. In the process of searching for the catcher, the participant can take advantage of him to switch positions when he is not paying attention, and the one who hides the longest is the winner.

This hide-and-seek is fun and highly interactive. You can also analyze where others are hiding by listening to the sound, and then look for it based on memory.


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