2022 DADA Road Run Fun | Give yourself the best Father's Day gift

The Gleaners of Life series records my repentance for my mother's dementia and disability, the love of my family, and the bits and pieces worth remembering. Record today: Give yourself the best Father's Day gift in 2022. The DADA road running event registration ceremony is really worth it. Next time, come to Matters offline "Road Run Fun"!

2022 DADA Road Run Fun | Give yourself the best Father's Day gift

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Due to the epidemic, I have not participated in road running activities for nearly two years. This time I decided to participate in the DADA road running fun - Xinbei Station, by the way, as a Father's Day gift for myself!

In order to avoid delays due to unfamiliar road conditions, not to mention the holiday before Father's Day, this time Brother Shishi arrived at the road running scene one day earlier - "New Taipei Three Major Metropolitan Park". Since the sun is so face-saving, I was so enthusiastic that I was sweating, so I had to hide in the hotel and wait for the sunset to go to the meeting to survey the road running venue, take a look at this beautiful night scene, and learn about the "Cai Liao" where Sister Rose lived when she was young "Roughly where.

After thirty or forty years, the triple river bank, which was suffering from flooding at the beginning, has transformed into such a beautiful urban park, and it has also incorporated many children's play areas such as Bear and Monkey Forest Park, Sea World Water Park, and featured skating parks. The slides...especially the empty bridge landscaping with the neon lights of the Taipei Bridge in the distance, the wide grassland, and the hilarious sounds of children, it is really lively.

DADA is quite a well-known organizer in road running events, and the point is that the gifts it sends every time it signs up are quite valuable. For example, this time the "value group" is less than 1,000 yuan: ultra-comfortable DADA jogging top, DADA marathon shorts, moisture-proof picnic mat, picnic cooler bag, microfiber quick-drying bath towel; "luxury group": ultra-comfortable DADA jogging top, DADA marathon commemorative shorts, moisture-proof picnic mat, elastic automatic leisure tent, outdoor folding dining table and chairs. Seeing such a great registration ceremony, it is no wonder that DADA RUN has held road running events all over Taiwan. According to the official website, the number of registrations so far should have accumulated more than 200,000 people!

🍁Click me to link: I am willing to "A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" and silently support Brother Stone!

This time, "DADA Road Running Fun" is a small case for this girl, 10km. This is her warm-up race half a yard ago. I don't think brother will accompany you to run. There were at least 4,000 or 5,000 people in the field including the staff and the family members of the road racers, so it was really a lot of people who wanted to buy trophies. After all, you can buy thermos cups, fisherman hats, quick-drying towels, storage boxes, fanny packs, etc., if you qualify for the competition and add 100 yuan, which really makes every booth full of long queues. Zhuo Shi thought it was a family day for a certain company. a feeling of.

Brother Stone was stupid and only brought 200 yuan, because after participating in the Ghost Slayer Road Run, how did he know that DADA's road run was so exaggerated that it was like a carnival with at least 20 or 30 tent booths. I had to be slapped by the girl. Next time you come to the competition, if you bring a girl, you must bring an extra one or two thousand yuan, because there are too many good things at the scene, and the girl will definitely be too strong to fight. live! Fortunately, it started at 6:00, otherwise the sun in Taipei would be at least 35 degrees, and even the birds would be too lazy to fly in the sky. The advantage of running early is, of course, that you can go shopping in department stores and watch a movie after running. The rise of Little Soldier-Gru will give you the best gift for Father's Day in 2022.

🔥Follow up, Brother Stone, take you to the workplace and live a happy life!

1. How to take advantage of the situation, break out of the situation, and create a different career - taking lesson preparation as a case

2. Win the job search | The interview for "Summer Internship" starts from the issuance of the invitation letter!

3. Mingxin University of Science and Technology | 0427 Lecture on the Human Soul: The first session of the Demi-Human NFT campus

4. You are not alone in following dramas|"Your Love Song": Look at different personality traits and how to get out of the adversity of life

5. How to hold a campus lecture? Expand from a simple Rundown sheet


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