Behind the pain is a pursuit

I guess in human design, there are measures of pain and pleasure, it's just "everyone's script is different"

I don't have superb painting skills. With my love and the idea that I have an excellent creative mind, I always felt that I didn't need too much effort in the design field during my studies. After I left the society, my friends For those who work in design-related fields, from the job-seeking process to the official job, they are physically poor and under great pressure, not to mention, the design work makes them still thinking about project product ideas and next week's get off work whether they are off work or on holidays. Report…..

When everyone is complaining about bitterness to each other, I will also advocate that there are still many beautiful things in life. Why should you be so persistent in your work?

For me, as long as it's an employment status, no matter what form your output is today, it's all for the company, and what about myself?

Is it so painful to take it too seriously?

"Maybe it's a kind of self-actualization, being needed, affirmed, and fulfilled at work..." Get a reply like this.

Suddenly I feel it! Yes... I also feel pain in my creation.... The work I choose is only for the purpose of allowing me to continue to create. Everyone's pursuit of performance is different.

I guess in human design, there are measures of pain and pleasure, it's just "everyone's script is different", although I also have this feeling of envy of others, but usually not for too long, because I know "everyone's script is not the same" Same"


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阿頻分享藝術創作相關,透過抒寫整理爆炸的思緒。 IG:roupin_art
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