Community Activities | The history of renting blood and tears | What is the experience of being intimidated by the landlord and greeting your mother?

The history of the blood and tears of the Hsinchu community and animal rental housing is very long, and I guess no one is more unfortunate than me.

I rented a house in Hsinchu several times during my student days and when I first came out of the society. Hsinchu has a lot of people who come to study and work from other places. There are many monks and few porridges in the rental market. There was no time for hesitation.

event one

When I was a student, I naively planned to share a three-bedroom building with seven people. The layout is as follows

It is really crazy to have eight people in a three-bedroom, two-hall building. Later, a distant relative rented an apartment in Hsinchu. There was a small elegant room that was vacant. As long as 3000, I went to rent it. The disadvantage is that the distance is relatively long.
  • I chose a room first, but my classmates kept pressuring me to go to a room they didn’t want and I didn’t like myself, and I was unwilling after the guessing. Their attitude changed 180 degrees immediately, and they began to blackmail me, saying that if I didn't give in, two people would quit, making me the sinner who led to the dismantling of the group.
  • I am full of uncertainty about sharing a private room with others. Besides, there are several classmates who are not familiar with the next class, and there is another classmate, seven people including me, who do not like her privately. If I have no opinion on my daily behavior and living habits, it is very likely that I want to live with her.
  • The landlord said at first that he could install a door for the Japanese room, but later said that he couldn't do it. If the Japanese room was not filled with people, the total number of people would become six, and everyone would blow their budget.

At that time, I felt that everyone was really bullying whoever they wanted, especially the more acquainted I became, the more rude. The conflict of interest made the ugly face of human nature be exposed. In the end, I directly said that Lin Bei would quit if he stopped playing, and of course it would be hacked. . . . .

Lessons learned from this incident: There are many problems in co-tenancy, not to mention the fact that two people share a small room, there will be problems before they move in, and don’t hold the illusion that they will be fine if they move in. If the economy permits, it is best to live in a room by yourself. From looking for a house, you can see which friends are worth making . At that time, the classmate who proposed to put two in one room was just pretending to be poor, and he always said emotional blackmail that he wanted to quit. In the end, after I said to quit, I was dismissed as a selfish sinner, but I am really thankful that I chose to be selfish at the time.

event two

The three-bedroom old apartment near the school is in poor condition. The landlord is stingy and has no furniture at all. Because it is close to the school district, it is very popular. There are already several groups of people waiting for the room after the inspection. I feel a little doubtful in my heart. I can look at it again. I was so upset that I was busy, so I still paid the deposit.

Tell the landlord that the light in the room is too dim, can you replace the lamp socket and install more bulbs? The landlord actually replied to me: "Now is the era of energy saving and carbon reduction!" I would rather you admit that you are stingy and ask us to buy and exchange it ourselves. The landlord didn't attach any furniture. We had to accept the senior who wanted us to accept the senior. We also asked her to ensure that the next tenant would also accept the furniture. At that time, when she rented out, it was limited to women. As a result, when I wanted to move out, she not only The rent went up, and when I saw a male student coming, it wasn’t because of the money. Some were hypocritical enough to break our promise to dispose of the furniture by ourselves, because she is too moto-snobby, and her roommate and boyfriend came with her when she helped move. After a big quarrel, she even came to cry with my dad. When I quit the rent, I was always making things difficult for me to clean the bathroom.

The allocation of rooms this time is also a big test of human nature. I initially chose the private room with external windows, but the result was already agreed, and the roommate began to cry again that she had a shadow on the private room with a balcony outside the room, but the deposit was paid, and finally I had to change to the room that had no direct exterior window and had poor lighting.

Lesson learned: There are many problems in co-tenancy. At first, I feel that the landlord is not right, and there is a chance of low quality. I really need to think twice.

event three

⚠The article is very long⚠

The independent suites near the Science Park are very popular. It took several days to see the N suites, and I was exhausted, and it was not convenient for girls to look at the houses by themselves. It was very troublesome to ask friends to accompany me. Later, I heard from my high school classmates that she My brother wanted to move out, so I took over her brother's room. The landlord told me that it had been rented out earlier, and later said that he could rent it to me (because I can save the agency fee by renting directly)

Many people will advertise that the landlord is self-rental, but I don’t think the agency is necessarily bad. A more reliable agency has a special person to help with repairs and communication. I think it can be considered.

The following copy and paste the persuasive text written back then

I have moved away, but I hope these experiences can provide a vigilance to the villagers who are looking for a house on Jinshan Street. This building is very common on Jinshan Street. There are four independent suites on each floor. I took over the room of my friend's brother. When we first moved in, the landlord and his wife did not live with us. Although he has a residence elsewhere, he moved to the 1F of this building, and one person lives in a suite.

Two weeks ago, I told them that the desk, wardrobe, and chair were all broken. In fact, they had been broken for a long time, and it was natural damage (the furniture attached to the landlord on Jinshan Street is generally not durable), but I never reported that the desk part, the landlord The wife said that there are spare parts on the top floor, and the chair she originally wanted to give me a plastic chair (originally a wooden chair), I said that it is unnecessary, I have a roller computer chair that can be used, the part of the wardrobe, the landlady said that the drawer slides are difficult to break. Xiu said that he would ask someone to bring a new one over the weekend, while the landlord expressed his unwillingness to spend money very bluntly. He asked me how long the lease was left, and laughed and said that if there was only one or two months left, he would not give me a replacement. I said, "Well, I've lived here for four years, and my contract has already been filled." The landlady also said, "That's right, she's lived here for a long time." Anyway, the landlady finally agreed to change my wardrobe.

Then I went back to my room, and soon after, I heard the landlord yelling outside the door. I didn't know who he was yelling at at first, but then I found out that he was scolding me, and the scolding could be heard all over the stairwell, and the voice became louder and louder. Approaching, and finally kicking my door, his wife couldn't stop him, he kept jumping needles and yelling: "If I ask your name, I won't say it, if I ask you which floor you live in, I won't say anything." He scolded me for the Three Character Classic and made personal attacks, and kept telling me to get out, saying that he had more than a dozen rooms and rented them out with an elevator. It was also branded that his sons and daughters hold important positions in companies such as Tai ○ Electrician △ Yuan Jing, he used to be a junior high school teacher, he was the chairman of the ○ clan association, he knew people in the Ministry of Defense of the Presidential Palace, and how much real estate he owned. .. and many other remarks expressing the noble socio-economic status of his family, but how old is an engineer in our district? Is there any prettier than Jolin Tsai and Lin Chiling? Otherwise what's the big deal? Said that when he was a teacher in the 50s or 60s of the Republic of China, I was not born yet! Said that he had a house in Taitung, Xindian, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei. He lived 7X years old. He had seen all over the province, but he had never seen a woman like me . The whole scolding was out of control. If he buys me a new wardrobe, he will move to his other suite. After scolding outside my room, he went downstairs to the main road again. He scolded back and forth several times upstairs and downstairs. The neighbors heard it. I was laid off (this is blatant intimidation).

When I went to them to report that the furniture was broken, he didn't ask my name at all, and he mistakenly thought I was working in a department store. I told him no, and he laughed and said that he made a mistake again, and it was not the first time he had done it. Wrong, he forgot every time he finished speaking, he couldn't remember the guest at all. Besides, I clearly said which floor I lived on, and the landlady also remembered which floor I lived on. I felt very inexplicable, and I didn't know where to provoke him. The landlady came to me to apologize and said that his husband couldn’t control his temper and asked me to ignore him and stay (she didn’t stand on my side, but only for the sake of money), and later called to say that the furniture would be put on hold for now. Don't buy it, wait for his husband to calm down (then two days later, he told me that she had bought the slide rail, and she wanted to make an appointment with me to hire a worker to replace it. Didn't you promise to give me a new wardrobe?), and said that his husband was relatively dead. The brain may have a low tolerance for others' impoliteness (I just ask, who is the impolite now???) , otherwise, when you see the landlord next time, say "Abei ok" to him.

WTF? ? I am the rent payer, not your student or junior, okay? In the face of an old man who regards money as his life, poor service[Note 1], and usually not many people are kind and kind, I at least nod my head when I come in and out. I was insulted like this today and want me to say hello to you? I bother! What qualifications does a person who will scold others for being a nuisance have a role as a teacher? ? What qualifies to be respected by others?

On the day of the incident, I decided to move out, aiming to find a house within a week or two. Two days later, when I came home from dinner, I met the landlord downstairs again. I avoided eye contact with him. My boyfriend nodded to him. not), I silently recorded with my phone, and he didn't scold me softly, constantly scolding me for being rude and not saying hello to him, I told him many times before that every time I met him downstairs, which time did I not say hello to him ! He actually replied, "I don't remember, women are almost the same." The boyfriend even wanted to calm his cheeks to say that it might have been a misunderstanding before. Young people are under pressure to say hello more quietly, but the landlord is not listening to others at all, and he is still very proud. Said that he had only scolded someone who lived on the X floor two days ago and told her to leave immediately. By the cup, that person is me, he really doesn't remember at all! Me: "You scolded me the day before yesterday and you don't remember it now. I was scolded inexplicably, and you asked me to say hello to you!" Later, when he found out that it was the same person, he became even more vicious, and said with a smile: "I I don’t know you! Haha, it’s you! I’ve never scolded you before, that’s the first time.” Me: “The day before yesterday, I clearly said which floor I lived in, but you scolded me indiscriminately and said I didn’t. Answer, you can’t just go crazy at people without listening clearly.” He shouted loudly, “I just finished the health check, and my hearing is very good, but I just didn’t hear it!” Why did I talk to him so much? go to the police

I said to him, "If you want to scold me, it's okay to greet my mother!" He didn't remember at all that he had greeted my mother, and he started branding that his children held important positions in the park and that he was a clan member. The chairman and the middle school teacher also said that he had never seen such a woman before, and also said, "Is Lin Chiling worse than you? When I eat with them, they will say hello, how old are you!!" When my boyfriend tried to soften his cheeks, the landlord faced He said: " I was a middle school teacher in the 50th year of the Republic of China, have you heard of "junior high school" (emphasis added)? Graduated from Normal University, and now the salary is higher than yours!!! 70,000!! There are still 18 parties!! "( This is so classic that I don't even know how to complain). We didn't want to quarrel with him, saying that we would move out in the near future and asked us to go back to our room, but he actually asked us to get out on the spot, and immediately closed the door, people stood behind the door and wouldn't let us in, and said he would stand until 12 o'clock, see How are we! (I thought it was a mouthpiece, and we went back to get things later)

Obstruction of liberty! ! At that time, I really should not only record, but also videotape, and be tougher and call the police directly. I think this kind of person is bullying the good and fearing the evil! !

Because of this, six days before I moved out of the place, I could only go to sleep at my friend's house. I found time every day to go back to get the supplies for the overnight stay, go back to pack and clean the room, and I was afraid that if I met him downstairs again, I would have a conflict with him, or It was because he found out that I had come back, so I could only sneak around. I don't know if he really lost control, what would he do to the items in my room, and of course he wouldn't dare to sleep there at night. Everything happened suddenly. The weekend plans were all gone, and the concert tickets that had been bought were thrown into the water. Instead, they searched for a house non-stop, and packed them quickly within a few hours. The next weekend, the middle of the week. I took leave from the company and moved, and I really feel like I'm dying.

On the day of the rent cancellation, I was worried that the friend who came to help would be scared by the landlord. Fortunately, he did not show up. When the deposit was refunded, the landlady took the contract away. I was really afraid of being taxed. He did (without copying the mistake first) and wanted to borrow a photo from her on the spot, but she said, "You can't give us a newspaper." He didn't let me take it. Two days before moving out, when I informed the landlord that the wife wanted to retire, she also explained that the room should be cleaned, otherwise 500 would be deducted. (After I finished packing, nothing was left on the wall, the room was dragged, and the toilet was brushed. I heard that this Qimengzi is too poor.) Obviously, many rented houses on Jinshan Street will be asked to tidy them up after they move out. ....

[Note 1] About poor service
  1. When I first moved in, because there was no clothes hanger in the bathroom, I discussed it with the landlady. She said that she would first get a door and hang a hanger for me to use. If not, he would ask a worker to see if he could nail the hanger. My hanger, said I already have one on the door, I still wish there was a general hanger, and then it was over...
  2. There was a time when the toilet was badly blocked and I couldn’t get it through for a long time. I told the landlady that she originally wanted to invite workers to come to see it, but he and the landlord came to my toilet, poked the hanger at first, and finally reached out. Digging , I dug out something, but I was about to vomit... In the end, of course, no workers were hired, and it would occasionally block after that.
  3. The electricity bill was 4 yuan in 2010, and rose to 4.5 yuan in 2012. When calculating the electricity bill from 12/1 to 1/31 in early February 2013, the price actually rose to 5 yuan! winter yay! I went to ask the landlord how the electricity bill was calculated, hoping that he could explain it with Taipower's bill, but it was almost impossible to communicate. They are also ordinary people. If they want to blame, they will blame the government. In the end, they reluctantly discounted me by 0.5 yuan in the current period. The money spent on the ghostly phone call was more than the discounted electricity bill.
  4. After the landlord and his wife moved to our building last year, they also brought their habit of spraying disinfectant in the old house. The whole public area is full of the smell of public toilets , which is very disgusting, and the smell will enter my room, the lower floor No one can escape. Every day, the living space is filled with the smell of public toilets, which is very broken. Even the water dispenser on the 1F, the smell of water has become strange. At the beginning, a note was posted on the first floor euphemistically, indicating whether or not to use those things. Upstairs will smell it. It is very pungent and bad for the respiratory tract. The drinking water is also polluted. Use it once a week to prevent mosquito breeding." Then I tore off the one I posted, and I didn't mean to stop it. In fact, I lived there for so long that there was no mosquito problem at all. After a while, there is still a strong smell of disinfectant every day, plus the toilet fragrance they bought for the stairwell. In response, the note was also torn soon... In the end, I don't know how long it took before I didn't smell that smell again. At that time, I really wanted to move out, but I couldn't find a room I liked.

The location of the suite is: No. XX, Jinshan North 1st Street, Hsinchu City, the house number is auspicious and X=X. Jinshan East Street and Jinshan 23rd Street also have suites for rent. In the recording file of the landlord's last name, he mentioned it N times by himself, but listening to the recording will pollute the mind, and I don't want to listen to it again.

Beware of bad landlords on Jinshan Street

Listening to it will cause mental pollution, be careful

Lesson learned: To be honest, I don’t know how to avoid bad luck in this round, only know how to stop loss in time. Because my friend's brother used to live here without any problem, I didn't expect the landlord to come and live with him in the end and sprinkle disinfectant. However, when I signed the contract, I vaguely felt that the landlord's speech was very tricky, snobbish, and loves money (but nine out of ten landlords in Hsinchu are like this). I really should have moved out after a few bad experiences. If something like this happens to you unfortunately, you have to keep the evidence, report it, file a complaint, and call the police. I really regret that I didn’t do anything at the beginning, because I’m just a small office worker, I don’t know the law and I’m afraid of the trouble of filing a lawsuit. Shang was a little traumatized, and very, very, very much did not want to meet him again in court, and now I should not be afraid anymore.

It is really pitiful to be a social animal in the north. It’s hard enough to find a house, the rent is soaring, and the quality of the house is very poor (it’s not just me, I’ve seen a lot of houses rented by relatives and friends in the north, and the conditions are not flattering), I saved some When the savings can be used to buy a house, I feel that the house price is unreasonable, but I can only endure it for the sake of employment opportunities. We must solve the problem fundamentally, that is, not to let employment opportunities concentrate in a few places, but to narrow the gap between the north and the south and between urban and rural areas, it still takes dozens of time of year. Then the old generation of vested interests in the party-state system are so disgusting . The 18% pension he used for the choking sound is only for the advance of our future. Such people often have the attributes of giant babies in China, and are short-sighted. Instant profits, regardless of future descendants.

event four

After leaving the bad landlord, I moved to another suite, which was rented by a friend before and managed by an agency. It was quite comfortable to live in. I also spent some thought on decorating the room. It was found that the ceiling was leaking. The reason was that the bathroom floor on the 2nd floor was leaking. The plumber went to the floor on the 2nd floor for construction, but because the resident on the 2nd floor refused to cooperate and waited for the ground waterproof layer to dry, they took a bath first, and the waterproof layer was washed away by it, resulting in I have a new leak in my room. The master said that the resident was quite selfish. They asked him to cooperate with the construction and asked him not to use water for a day. The man also replied that he must use it, and said that the leakage of the water on the first floor had nothing to do with me. Afterwards, I was asked if there was water and did not admit it. , Master has been arguing that they will spend more oil and wages for the second construction.

My room was stained with foaming caulk and was dirty. Mosquitoes started to grow in the room because of the accumulation of water, and the water leak spread from the corner to the entire ceiling. I told them to take care of it before I went abroad, and I went abroad for 50 days. After I came back, everything in the room was moldy or soaked in water, the plaster from the ceiling fell everywhere, and the electric light was broken because of the soaking. It was hell. Later, the agency compensated me for a little loss and let me move to the third floor of the same building.

In all fairness, the overall quality of the building is considered good on Jinshan Street. I have seen a lot of houses, and haunted houses abound. All I can say is that renting this kind of sky-high, it is best not to live on the first floor, it may be fine at first, but it will be an unexploded bomb after a long time, and it is best to burn incense and pray that your neighbors are not selfish bastards! !

disaster scene
disaster scene

I really feel that my rental housing is extremely poor. After moving to Taichung, I also encountered selfish neighbors. I could smell the smoke wafting in from the window or the bathroom 24 hours a day. I told the administrator that at most it was just Calm down a bit, and start smoking again in a few days. Do I have the physique to encounter a bad landlord, a bad house, or a bad neighbor? ? ? ? 😭😭😭

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