Meng Meiqi said: Let's escape

Few girls can resist being pushed to the altar by a guy - I've experienced it.

If I only use the title of "The scumbag cheats on both ends, the mistress bullies the original partner", I think it is too rude. What moved me was that there was so much real human nature reflected in this story.

For example, Meng Meiqi, I have never watched Rocket 101 or followed this person before. The only thing I know about her is that my college roommate likes her and always posts her in the circle of friends. It stands to reason that a girl who is an idol should be full of radiance and self-confidence. Unnecessarily wronged in position. In the chat log, Chen Lingtao's note to Meng Meiqi was "sun", and her words were indeed like a little sun, always encouraging each other gently. It's very interesting, it is already a "third party", and when her career is more successful than the man, Meng Meiqi is not condescending, and even tries her best to be considerate. Because she wants to play an "angel": In this relationship, I (Meng Meiqi) is here to save you (Chen Lingtao), and for you, I am beyond the brilliance of an idol. Meng Meiqi indulges in the gaze of Chen Lingtao's adoration, as if the idol standing on the stage relies on the gaze of the fans - both of which are very false infatuation, and the reason why she needs so much may also be due to the lack of firmness and integrity of subjectivity . Few girls can resist being pushed to the altar by a guy - I've experienced it.

What Meng Meiqi doesn't understand is that it's not that she is really an "angel", but that the cowardly Chen Lingtao needs to find one rescuer after another in her life to realize her infatuation (it can be seen from the chat records that the original wife loves him in the same way) in "Salvation"). The problem is, this infatuation is nihilistic. What he is obsessed with is the "perfect angel" he imagined and created, not the real person with flesh and blood flaws in reality; at the same time, the salvation he seeks cannot be achieved by others. In the chat record, Chen Lingtao told Meng Meiqi his pain and said that he wanted to end his life many times because of "boredom". I think these words are very sincere - when he finds an "angel", the joy of love can make him feel the meaning of life, But this is only a short-term diversion of attention, and does not solve the fundamental survival dilemma he is facing, so "salvation" must also be unachievable. In such a love relationship, over time, the angel gradually revealed the face of a mortal, and the rescue that Chen Lingtao longed for did not appear, so he would definitely look for the next goal to support his life. Those who are cowardly in nature do not dare to say goodbye to their old love in a decent manner; those who are cowardly in nature do not dare to face the Sisyphus of life, and can only keep running away. Including his last Weibo, he began to escape again.

So I said, I feel so much pain for everyone involved. The original spouse who can't accept the deception and hurt of his lover-not to mention that he pushed himself to the altar with his own hands and now pulls it down with his own hands-it's so painful, it's so painful to not dare to face the scumbag who is always escaping from life and finally unavoidable, The girl idol who has been shining brightly but still doesn't have enough recognition for herself is very painful. My point of crying is that Meng Meiqi said, let's run away. Escape from this terrible world, the endless work, the overwhelming public opinion, the rules of being born, the endless fake smiles that have stiffened facial muscles, the endless bitterness that has to be swallowed, the mediocrity, Boring and repetitive, escaping every morning when you open your eyes and feel hopeless and tossing and turning in the middle of the night without seeing the future... Let's run away, even if it's just to an isolated hotel room, even if it's only for a week.


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