


Ep 24

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中元节英文Hungry Ghost Festival

中元节英文有许多说法,7月15日道教徒Taoist 称为中元,是地官生日,为亡魂赦罪日子,故称「中元节Zhongyuan Festival」;佛教徒Buddhist 在佛欢喜日供养众僧,以功德回向父母,称为「盂兰盆节Ullambana/Yulan Festival」,盂兰盆是梵语用来救倒悬痛苦的器物,衍生义为供养佛陀和僧侣以救苦难众生;人们会在鬼月期间举行中元普渡,因此中元节直译为Zhongyuan Pudu Festival,这个节日为让好兄弟吃饱喝足可以称为「Hungry Ghost Festival 饿鬼节」,另外为与西方的万圣节Halloween区别,鬼节前加上Chinese 又称「华人鬼节Chinese Ghost Festival」。

Taoist 道教徒
Buddhist 佛教徒
Zhongyuan Festival/Zhongyuan Pudu Festival 中元节/中元普渡节
Ullambana/Yulan Festival 盂兰盆节
Hungry Ghost Festival 饿鬼节
Chinese Ghost Festival 华人鬼节

中元节英文:中元节时间、鬼门开英文The Gates of Hell are Unlatched


与西方万圣节相对应,华人鬼节是在农历七月十五日,鬼月中的标志。 2021年鬼月从阳历八月八日鬼门开到九月六日鬼门关。

The counterpart of Halloween in the West, the Chinese Ghost Festival, falls on the 15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar, the halfway mark of Ghost Month. For 2021, the ghost month starts from August 8 to September 6 of the solar calendar when the gates of hell open and close.

counterpart 名词n. 对应的人(或物)、配对物
lunar calendar 阴历、农历; solar calendar 阳历
the gate of hell/ the gate to Underworld 鬼门;Underworld 阴间、地狱


Some souls have not reincarnated yet and must wander in this world. To propitiate these homeless ghosts, and fearing that their own ancestors may be drifting lonely and uncared for, the Chinese traditionally hold a grand religious ceremony on July 15 by the lunar calendar.

reincarnate 动词v. 使转世
wander 动词v. 漫游、流浪;孤魂野鬼wandering soul/ghost
propitiate 动词v. 抚慰
ancestor 名词n. 祖先



The Ghost Festival begins on the first day of the 7th lunar month. The gates of hell are unlatched at daybreak on lunar July 1 every year, allowing condemned souls to visit their old homes and to partake of food in the real world.

latch 动词v. 闩上;名词n. 门闩
condemn 动词v. 责难、宣告有罪
partake 动词v. 【书】分享、参与to partake in sth.【口】吃光、喝光



The Ghost Festival ends on lunar July 30, and the ghosts must return to hell before the gate closes. It is believed by devout Taoists and Buddhists that during this time of year the gates of hell are opened for a full month for hungry ghosts to roam the world of the living in search of food, money, entertainment, and possibly souls.

devout 形容词adj. 虔诚的
roam 动词v. 漫游、流浪
Photo by Kai-Chieh Chan from Pexels

中元节英文:好兄弟英文Who are these Hungry Ghosts?


While there are many festivals that pay respects to different deities and spirits, the Ghost Festival is special in that it also pays respect to spirits without any family. As a sign of respect, the term "Good Brothers", as opposed to "ghosts," are considered preferable when referring to lost souls to avoid offending them.

deity 名词n. 神
spirit 名词n. 灵魂、幽灵


It is thought that hungry ghosts are the souls of individuals who have experienced an unpleasant or violent death, or who committed evil deeds during their lifetime. So, when these souls are annually released from the underworld for a month, they come back as unhappy, dissatisfied, hungry ghosts looking for fulfillment in the land of the living.

commit 动词v. 犯(罪)
dissatisfied 形容词adj. 不满意的
fulfillment 名词n. 实现

中元节英文:如何祭拜How To Celebrate?



The best time for inviting "Good Brothers" to feast should be around 2 pm to 7 pm before sunset, avoiding noon when the sun is the strongest. The place for tribute can be outdoors or at the entrance of the building. Indoors or balconies should be avoided. Pack the offerings, tables and chairs as soon as possible after tributes, meaning “not to keep guests”.

tribute/offering 名词n. 祭品、供品
balcony 名词n. 阳台



People burn incense and ask for protection with the offerings. The offerings include fruits, various dishes, steamed buns, rice, soup, soft drinks, flowers, instant noodles, sycee; yet, do not worship food that has been eaten or opened. It is also expected to provide spirits with a basin filled with water, towel, toothbrush, and toothpaste to allow the spirits to clean themselves. Joss paper is also burned as people believe that this paper money is used by ghosts after burning.

incense 名词n. 焚香;动词v. 对……焚香;向……敬香
sycee/ silver or gold ingots 名词n. 元宝/银或金锭
worship 动词v. 拜神、礼拜
gold joss paper/ghost money/paper money 名词n. 金纸

中元节英文:放水灯Water Lanterns


The release of water lanterns is another Ghost Festival custom. They are intended to guide homeless spirits to reincarnation and save people from drowning. These lanterns are placed in the water and lit on fire before they get pushed further. The further they float, the more blessings the one who offered the tribute will receive.

release water lantern 放水灯
reincarnation 名词n. 转世、轮回说
drown 动词v.淹死
float 动词v. 漂浮
Photo by Josh Salacup on Unsplash

中元节英文:鬼月禁忌Don't provoke Good Brothers!


There are many taboos to abide by during the ghost month in fear that it may be inauspicious, perhaps some beliefs are superstitious, but sometimes you'd rather believe it to be true than not, and respect the existence of spirits in another world. Don't provoke Good Brothers!

taboo 名词n. 禁忌
abide 动词v. 遵守、服从
inauspicious 形容词adj. 不吉的、恶运的;auspicious 形容词adj.吉利的
belief 名词n. 信仰、信念
superstitious 形容词adj. 迷信的
existence 名词n. 存在
provoke 动词v. 挑衅、煽动、激怒


  1. Postpone moving into a new house 延后搬进新屋
  2. Avoid going out after midnight 避免在午夜后外出
  3. Avoid any weddings or childbirths 避免任何婚礼或分娩
  4. Don't swim in lakes, rivers, or in the ocean 不要在湖泊、河流或海洋中游泳
  5. Don't whistle, take pictures nor hang clothes outside at night 晚上不要吹口哨、拍照,不要在外面挂衣服
  6. Don't pick up money found on street 不要在街上捡钱
  7. Don't share items with Good Brothers 不要与好兄弟分享物品
  8. Don't take the last bus or train ride 不要坐末班车或火车
  9. Don't buy puppets, sculptures, or dolls 不要买木偶、雕塑或玩偶
  10. Don't place shoes facing the bed 鞋子不要对着床


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