[Miscellaneous] Blog Writer Weird Talk 1


Sharing a few weird stories recently heard from the marketing community, giving the outside world a glimpse into the wonderful world of bloggers for everyone to enjoy with afternoon tea. If there is a coincidence, don't take the right seat.

a He got an unpaid case from a case receiving platform. He was in high spirits and geared up for it. For this reason, he specially asked for a break and rode a motorcycle for dozens of minutes to the store. When he arrived, the employee said that the boss in charge was not there, so he had to ride his bike home again. I think a must be a good-natured, patient, and committed person, because he made another appointment the next day, but the store notified him that something was wrong half an hour ago, and it was inconvenient to pick up the goods. A, who was put pigeons, was so angry that he complained online.

What kind of unpaid case is worth paying attention to? I couldn't help but ask, and it turned out to be two hand shakes . In the early days, I also took unpaid cases. A recommendation article took several hours from trial, photography to revision. In terms of time value, I don't like taking unpaid cases, but the original intention of writing this article is to be altruistic, taste a delicious restaurant, spontaneously share a thousand words, or join the revitalization catering plan during the epidemic of Ruffian State, Meal for text, willingly, it doesn't matter if you get paid or not. But I can't accept the other party giving me two cups of hand shake, or two hundred yuan biscuits asking me to write five hundred words, take six pictures, and review the manuscript twice, only to write good words, and to open Facebook advertisers , that is by no means a good cooperation, and the things written out can be imagined.

Unpaid cases are euphemistically called reciprocity. To be honest, it is a barter of texts. There will naturally be no problem if the two parties have a consensus, but there will be a gap. For example, the sponsor hopes to increase sales through the promotion of bloggers, but usually high-traffic bloggers are not inclined to take unpaid cases (but I think LV and Hermes open unpaid cases and a lot of people are rushing to take them). In addition, even high traffic does not mean that the shopping guide effect is good. Bloggers are mainly used to bury SEO keywords for consumers to crawl and search, but it is faster to find a group mother to start a group when selling things. Otherwise, ask hundreds of bloggers to write. Handwritten, but have a budget of tens of thousands.

A few days ago, we had a plan chat with a marketing company, and we all felt one thing. Although most of the manufacturers are friendly, the proportion of manufacturers who will issue unpaid cases is higher, and even a very small number of them treat the writer as the same as the store I met. Begging, disrespect . There is also a type of manufacturer that strives to maximize the benefits of bloggers and make the best use of everything ; obviously experience a product, but ask to write more b product (haven’t used it, how can I write it? Write it as a fictional novel?), or Please help me write more about the effect and what to introduce. To be honest, I have also offended the manufacturer because of this, and euphemistically said that I can't feel these effects...

It does not mean that unpaid schemes are bad people. Sometimes because of limited funds, poor timing, and the store owner also takes great risks, many unpaid scheme schemers have encountered things that they do not write, go missing, or delay drafts. serious.

B saw that the hairdressing salon recruited writers for 3,000 yuan, and happily passed on his resume and blog to link the past, and soon the store took the initiative to contact him. Before B had time to rejoice in the success of the case, the other party said, "We sincerely invite you to experience without pay." "But...isn't the salary above 3000?" "Yes, that's someone else, but you don't. It meets our needs, if you can accept it..." B exploded, complaining to the club, and at the same time, many people were also deceived by this hair salon.

In addition to being surprised that someone shamelessly deceived the article, I was even more shocked that so many people were deceived, how many people silently endured the disguised humiliation of the hair salon, and voluntarily changed from paid to unpaid, until b jumped out (with boundless merit) to announce the bad behavior of the hair salon and then stop the follow-up Someone was hurt. It can be seen that everyone is too loyal, and maybe I am grateful to the hair salon for giving me the opportunity. I don’t know that the hair salon first used the remuneration to defraud high-traffic bloggers to apply, and then changed to the unpaid method for several years.

I personally experienced that it was a paid case at the time of the expedition, and I immediately agreed to the address and willingness to cooperate. After she's done writing, she'll treat it coldly. Later, when I read the cooperation letters, I was very serious. In just a month, I found another company playing the same word game. I can only say that my eyes are bright and every step is thunder.

MIT underwear factory recruits bloggers to wear underwear without pay. I wondered who would take the case of taking unpaid underwear photos, but a dozen people did. The values are different, and I can't say anything, but in the end, two girls succeeded in taking the case...

Well, you can say that I'm an old man, I live by the sea, and I'm nosy. Besides, girls' underwear is not exposed too much, isn't it just wrapping a chest and showing a belly. Isn't there a bunch of kids at home and abroad taking swimsuits? Could it be that my heart is dirty, otherwise why stigmatize girls' underwear? But I'm just worried, what does a child know when she's so young? Less than ten years old, wearing girly underwear and smiling, the man below left a message "Cute baby..." I think too much, I must be thinking too much, I am too sensitive to the words of children and women.

There are still a lot of good manufacturers. They are bright and easy to communicate with, and their products are also great. I can’t help but want to help them and share them on more platforms and communities, but there are also many strange ones. Be careful when accepting cases, make a contract first, remember to cherish your own creations, and cherish your words. Let’s take a look at that kind of harsh cases.

FB Ms. Marcy


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瑪西Marcy喜愛閱讀和旅遊,曾從事護理工作十餘年,現為自由工作者、部落客。 厭倦市面上過度強調正面能量書籍,畢竟有光的地方就有影子,生命的體驗是從中汲取平衡,而非當影子不存在。著《下一次鳳凰花開》《表姊的佛牌店》
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