In 2022, please give more advice to Allen, a Taiwanese Vtuber of gluttony, introduce himself

Allen Vtuber
The Taiwan Vtuber, who was initially distributed at the last moment of the Year of the Chou Ox, is determined to collect delicious food from all corners and share it with everyone. Welcome to my Twitter and Youtube if you are interested. This article is basically to write the first distribution in words. XD
This is Allen, that's right

net worth background

Hello everyone, I'm Allen. I usually call me Allen. For the convenience of calling me Allen, Allen, and Ye Leng, I will not object. I just don't think it's better to call me XD
In fact, he is a very ordinary office worker, but the place where he works is special. He is usually very world-weary at get off work. When he gets off work, his biggest pastime is to dig out delicious food in every corner.

  • Name: Allen
  • Date of birth: 1998/6/6
  • Constellation: Gemini
  • First distribution date: January 31, 2022 Xin Chou Year Xin Chou Month Jiashen Day 22:30
  • First distribution:
  • Height: 170 cm, weight 70 kg
  • Painter and Modeler: Booyu Mint Cat
  • Spoken language: should be fluent in Chinese, fairly good Taiwanese, not very good in English, only understand some but can't speak Hakka
  • Written Language: Traditional Chinese, POJ, Han Luo, Tai Luo, English and Hakka Orthography

background story

I mentioned earlier that I work in a wonderful place, as you can see now I am a man with cat ears and a tail, but believe me, I am a real human being, but why it became like this started ten years ago.
I believe that one thing that happened ten years ago is not unfamiliar to everyone. In the past, 2012 was considered to be the end of the era in the Mayan civilization, and many legends of the end of the world in 2012 spread like this. On December 25th, when I expected or feared that something would happen, nothing happened, but that wasn't quite the case for me.

This is my office, which "looks shabby in your eyes".

As mentioned earlier, I work in a wonderful place, which is a research unit jointly established by the government and private organizations, the main purpose of which is to preserve and archive important materials from various reasons (including natural disasters, man-made disasters and even reality). Distortion); therefore, in our offices, there are fourth-generation Scranton Reality Anchors in place to keep our offices and personnel free from any possible destabilizing factors.

The Scranton Reality Anchor is an object that can stabilize the reality of a specific area. SCP-3936 is actually an enlarged version of our office, but we have no direct relationship with the SCP Foundation and they just borrowed their technology.

So why can I feel the end of the world in 2012? That's right, because that's a reality reconstruction apocalypse (aka the CK-class apocalypse scenario you sometimes hear about). As was the case with SCP-3936, our entire office was not "assimilated" by the reality anchor when the end of the world happened in 2012, and we remained "normal" before the end of the world.

 "Of course, I won't feel anything for you. After all, you have been "washed three views". This is the end of the world reconstructing reality."

"In your eyes, our entire office is an anomalous existence, but the documents we keep are the real truth in this world."

-- The above text is excerpted from the minutes of the 20130001st regular meeting (the first meeting in 2013).

So now you know why I'm a "cat man" and still claiming to be human, in fact, before 2012, all human beings had tails and beast ears like I do now. The world in anime says nothing. virtual.

As for why I came to this Vtuber, in addition to hoping to meet more friends (working in the office every day has made me a little breathless), more importantly, I hope to collect more food catalogs to satisfy my appetite Soothe my tired body and mind.

Social networking sites and live broadcasts

You can find me in these places, and maybe have an LBRY channel in the future, if I get hooked by a platform.
Recently, I will also go to some vtuber's discord to hang out. At present, it mainly appears in the discord server that thaws the three-color beans.

Usually, my Twitter and Mammoth are the opening stage, planning announcements, and most of all, my food sharing!
Matters is mainly a place to put some long articles, and you can also sponsor me with Likecoin through this platform!

  • Youtube:
  • Twitter:
  • Mastodon:
  • Matters:

Common tags and live content

In the future, there will be chats, games, planning, and the planning of some lecture courses. Although I am not very good at playing games, I still need some hours of water. I hope I can play with you, and you are welcome to contact me.

  • #Allen is on the water: game live
  • #Allen what do you think: chat, document reading and sharing
  • #Playing with Allen: Collaborative Project
  • #AllenTalk and See: Lectures, Shared Lessons
  • #AllenLet you see: Any second creations, ideas, food or anything cool you want to show me

Finally some trivia

The pictures and texts on my social networking site, if they are photos I took by myself or the parts that I have clearly marked with #CC authorization, are released with CC-BY-SA 4.0, and those who intend to use them directly go through the CC authorization regulations. Just use it.

I welcome any second creation content about my image. For me, those are your assets (R18G is not needed first, I'm afraid I can't bear it), so if I see any second creation about me, I will report to the author. Ask for authorization to use it; of course, I also encourage you to provide it to everyone through CC authorization.

In the live broadcast part, I will definitely use a lot of copyrighted materials in the live broadcast. In this part, I will follow Youtube's platform policy, especially in the copyrighted music part. Do not leave files for processing; please also if you really want to edit the essence of barbecue man, please do not edit the essence of copyright doubts, as I said in the previous paragraph: for me, barbecue is also your asset, and I will not ask for profit. Or non-profits, etc., but I can't help you if you cut the clips with copyright concerns yourself.

Finally, everyone is very welcome to join the community of this channel, and I hope everyone can abide by the [ Allen.V Audience Community Code of Conduct ] to create a good and friendly viewing environment together.

at last

It's really the end, if you really see you here, thank you for your hard work! I also sincerely thank you here!
Because these words have been read by an unknown number of friends: who can finish reading so many!
But because some of the content of this channel may cause some unnecessary disputes, it is safer to write him clearly.
This is a very talkative vtuber, but these things are necessary, like the terms of service or platform rules that you may never read XD

The text of this article is released in CC-BY-SA 4.0. Due to platform limitations, only CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 can be checked.
In the picture part, the head post is released by CC-BY-SA 4.0, and the office photo is released by Chen Binhua Photography CC0.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Allen VtuberAllen,25 歲,臺灣個人 Vtuber。 在 Matters 主要分享 Allen 的一些想法,包含長文系列「Allen你怎麼看」、中長文系列「Allen講看看隨筆紀錄」、美食紀錄「Allen的美食日記選粹」以及不定期的電腦硬體評測。 社群平台雙棲 Twitter 與 Mastodon 完整資訊參閱:
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