When Facebook increases the hit rate of long-form text, can it be used as a text publishing platform?

A social media that attempts to draw most people into the same universe must not lose readers who are most likely to stick around for a long time! From this point of view, can the creator of the long article use the "Facebook fan page" as another "text platform" to publish it?

After setting up a new Facebook personal account in 2019, I began to write longer articles in a rhythmic and classified manner.

At that time, there was a kind of weirdness in the touch and interaction of both personal pages and fan pages, which could not improve the touch without interacting with others, and there were certain rules on the fan page: the text on the picture should not be too large. More, don't have external links between texts, you'd better buy an advertisement that actually has no hit rate, once there are fewer people interacting with you (like, share), you will definitely not be seen!

Then, according to the calculation of its big data, the information is often seen after a few days or even a week. All time-sensitive activities or messages of immediate rescue are like parallel universes happening in another time and space. The Facebook, which once successfully linked protests around the world because of its "immediacy", has completely lost the function of such linking in the rules of this algorithmic strike.

And this kind of calculation began to become a "choice without choice" rudely stuffed into each user's page : a large number of "it thinks it helped you choose the best" advertisements, public information, live video, occupy this "" It seems to be socializing and making friends", but in fact, you are not sensitive enough to find out "What the hell am I watching every day? Why the fuck do you give me so many advertisements and useless things" to make you accept "" You thought it was a message you manually selected."

Beginning in December 2019, I moved the writing of my personal articles to Matters and subsequent text platforms, closed the "public" postings on my personal page, and deleted too many articles that did not interact with me, but I I often see friends who are chatting with their friends every day.

Many people don't understand why I keep bothering about others not interacting with me. To put it another way, it's a function of Facebook. Why does a friend reply to a message published by his friend or celebrity, so I can see it? It has nothing to do with "myself"! Facebook wants to create a vibe: "The world is so fun, and we should all watch what our friends care about or talk to every day, even if it's something we're not interested in and don't want to know!"

The interaction of the fan page is even worse, and the buy advertisement has a little hit rate, but it is still not interactive. (Touched, but no one clicks the link, or almost no increase in sales) Can this kind of data calculus really make ads work and find buyers? Or is it just that everyone's page is stuffed with items that seem to be right for them but don't need at all?

Especially with this kind of calculated data, it is impossible to calculate the difference between "want" and "need" or whether there is money to buy "want". ( I like to eat McDonald's, I will click to watch it, but if I get fat, I may not buy it! I like sports activities, I will click to watch it, but I am lazy, I really can't go out to exercise) At first there must be Many people will find that they really often click on advertisements, and they don't think until the bill comes: why did they buy so many advertisements that jumped around on the Internet!

In 2012, I started to buy advertisements for products on Facebook. Looking at the number of hits and clicks made me lazy to buy advertisements, and even the management of my fan page was lazy, especially when my page was full of "No. What I want to see", it's even less likely to spend money on advertising. (What kind of bad data calculation is this? I once just accidentally clicked on an article related to men and got an ad for aphrodisiac! @@)

Thinking about how I have been on the text platform for almost three years, I have a good interaction with other people. I don’t have a bunch of advertisements on my Facebook personal page, I don’t have to watch other people’s gossip, and I don’t have to keep talking with “On the Internet” People who pretend to be familiar when they meet a little bit have very fake contacts or often have to be patient to clearly draw the boundaries of interpersonal relationships. (Hey, I don't know you very well, don't cross the line, thanks!)

So I wrote a few long articles on my fan page. Without writing a draft, just typing in the "Create Post" box. But unexpectedly found that " Uh! The hit rate of Changwen is very good! And the interaction is very good!" What's going on? I've been too lazy to look at my fan page with no hit rate for too long!

I hurriedly asked my friends who usually gossip about Internet trends and marketing: "Hey, how did the hit rate of long articles become so good?" If you have something, you usually have a good hit rate.”

I tried a few more times as if I had discovered a new world.

Did Zuckerberg figure it out? Or see something from the data?

Have you seen the way most people click on that "limited time feed"? Did one stop for more than ten seconds? The first time I saw someone clicked on a limited-time feed, my eyes widened. It was faster than scrolling through a shopping website to search for products, to the point where I didn't even look at it . In other words, everyone's information is swiped so briefly, so every dynamic that wants to attract the attention of others needs to let others decide "whether to stop and watch" at the "first glance".

But such "user behavior" actually only develops the habit of "not stopping, staying". It seems to be "adhesive", but it is also easy to be "distracted" and attracted by other affairs.

Seeing that the hit rate of "Long Wen" has been improved, and the interactivity has also improved, I can't help but think that in the future, in Facebook's Meta metaverse, Zuckerberg must still leave users who are "willing to read for a long time". ? Since we want to create a world where "you just stay here for one day, every day", the role of "reader" cannot be ignored, and authors who are capable of "writing long and easy-to-read" articles are necessary, right? So you want to increase the hit rate of the long text?

(The world of "You just stay here for a day, every day", please open the movie "Level 1 Player" to see.)

It is impossible to create a "long-term and focused" use environment, and it is easy for people to "neutralize". If the interaction is not strong, the adhesion will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to be used for a long time!

A social media that attempts to draw most people into the same universe must not lose readers who are most likely to stick around for a long time!

From this point of view, can the creator of the long article use the "Facebook fan page" as another "text platform" to publish it?

I think it is possible, but in terms of the interface, Facebook at this stage is still not very easy to read on the "Chinese" page (the word spacing is too close, the line spacing is too small, there is no paragraph spacing.) Plus most of the "writing long texts" Users of , often ignore "this is the Internet, this is the Internet, this is the Internet" You don't test everyone's patience with reading on mobile phones or computers.

If possible, make a paragraph of at least 250 words, and don't fill a large paragraph with 500 words, so that readers are impatient! (Of course, it’s best not to exceed 3,000 words without content, and you won’t be able to read it all. It means that writing 3,000 words without content is also very powerful!)

If you want to increase the hit rate, you have to type directly in the frame, don't copy and paste!

Before writing this article, I thought of Tom's "Key Report" (I am interested in looking for it), which has a very similar situation to these calculations and data. This twenty-year-old film uses "predictive people" to predict crime, and the government uses this ability to prevent crime.

Turn this "prediction" into "calculation" and think: Can the world really calculate the perfect script for everyone to receive information and live according to their instructions? The information you receive is the information calculated by your behavior pattern. Do you have the ability to find yourself living in the calculation of data? What about getting up and leaving this "predicted" environment and giving yourself the ability to choose "the information you want"?

Accidentally wrote 2,500, damn it!

Picture: 20210318 Hengchun Bobo Kitchen Kitchen Swell-35, Canon EOSM50 (a classic line in "Level 1 Player": Although reality is terrible, the real world is the only place where you can eat enough.)


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