The beginning of the story...


PixelCatz is the first NFT we bought

One day, Dudu went to buy delicious scones near Abby's company during lunch break, and suddenly chatted about the Metaverse and NFT, and the two young men knocked on the door of the NFT world.

PixelCatz is the first NFT that Abby recommended to Dudu. When we saw cute cats and cats, we would donate money to the Stray Cats Association. We decided to let it go. At first, Dudu said it for the airdrop. A night of jokes, won the title of "Joke Meow", and learned such as opening a registered wallet, registering an exchange and how to buy coins (all taught by Abby)

Because Abby and Dudu have already donated money to help the cats every year, for us, this NFT can be used for public welfare, and we can receive the super cute cat NFT as a receipt, so why not do it. If you like cats and cats, you are welcome to join the ranks of our cat slaves, and work hard to earn a pot of masters.

Attach PixelCatz twitter:


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Albee艾比初入幣圈兩個月的新手 興趣: 公路車, 重訓, 投資, NFT
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