What if my husband wants a divorce? How to keep a man who wants a divorce?

Most of the time, the mistress is not scary, what is scary is the flawed marriage. If the marriage is happy, few people will bet on marriage and a peaceful life to have an affair, because there is a person who makes him homesick, even if he secretly becomes greedy. , but because the husband and wife have a harmonious relationship, it is easy to be detected before the real derailment, and he is taught a hard lesson. But if there is a flaw in the marriage, everyone can be a mistress, so what if they are ugly? He may be tempted to listen to him talk, not to mention that the relationship between husband and wife is not so good, how much does he know what he is doing?

"Divorce won't happen until you're ready", sometimes it may be a long-standing grudge, but we don't realize that this will be the tipping point of the upcoming divorce, because we already subconsciously think it's just communication, putting wrong things together Daozheng is like taming a big immature child, even thinking why the other party will never grow up, but not realizing that he has already done his duty in society and in the family, we should give him space.

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The reasons for a man's divorce are important

The reason why a man wants a divorce is very important! Don't focus on the surface. Just like in the recent Godzilla incident, we thought it was just a doll. Even if we got to know it and found that it was a collection of hundreds of thousands, it is unlikely that my husband would divorce for this kind of thing. Why is he getting a divorce? Know what's behind it! It may be the tipping point of his disrespect over the years, or it may be his freedom that has been constantly curtailed, the last trace of self, as a spouse, are we the one who makes him homesick, or makes him more and more not wanting? What about going home?

When many people do emotional counseling, they often focus on the surface, but ignore the meaning of the symbols behind them, and are labeled as controlling, unreasonable, and difficult to communicate. In fact, the essence behind many things , are the sense of security, the desire to be loved, supported, recognized, etc., as long as the true essence is found, everything is still too late.

(Selected reading: If you want to save your relationship, these three messages must not be sent! )

Have you ever said anything to impress your husband?

Many people think that the mistress is a coquettish vixen, but let's be honest with you, the appearance of most mistresses is far inferior to that of Zheng Gong, so why does her husband cheat? In fact, it's not because beautiful people disdain to be a mistress. In the confessions of many cheaters, we find that many times they think that their partner is too strong for the other party in marriage, they are not supported, and they have been neglected for a long time. These conditions are relatively The opposite sex who are not so good are often more willing to praise and accompany them to make up for what they cannot get in marriage.

Many people may think that I married you, guarded this family for you, and said those words for your own good, but you think I have never supported you? Physically supported, but mentally wearing each other out. At this time, you can go back to what I mentioned earlier. You dedicate yourself to this "family", but you neglect to "manage relationships", and you have not satisfied each other's deepest desires to be praised and recognized. At this time, the focus is not on the surface, Maybe just don't want to hear so many complaints, but need occasional small encouragement and praise.

(Featured reading: How to save your relationship? Three tips to make him love you again when you save your relationship! )

A marriage with flaws is scarier than a mistress

Most of the time, the mistress is not scary, what is scary is the flawed marriage. If the marriage is happy, few people will bet on marriage and a peaceful life to have an affair, because there is a person who makes him homesick, even if he secretly becomes greedy. , but because the husband and wife have a harmonious relationship, it is easy to be detected before the real derailment, and he is taught a hard lesson. But if there is a flaw in the marriage, everyone can be a mistress, so what if they are ugly? He may be tempted to listen to him talk, not to mention that the relationship between husband and wife is not so good, how much does he know what he is doing?

In fact, there is always a boy in a man's heart. Although that boy is naive, just like every woman has a girl in her heart who wants to be loved. As long as you love each other's inner child well, this marriage can easily last long, because you Grasp the most sincere piece of each other's soul.

(Selected Reading: Free Emotional Counseling - Does Freezing Recovery Really Work? )

To solve emotional problems, it is not just to practice yoga or cook dishes, but to restore spiritual communication. For any emotional intractable diseases, you can call the free consultation hotline and let the consultants help you through the difficulties.


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