"Character Binding" Magazine • The Second Issue of Poetry Issue

The second collection of "Zi Bin" - welcome to read the collection and collect Writing NFT

Bookmark the second issue of "Zi Bin" magazine poetry special issue Writing NFT

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, which will bring us to March. Now looking at the International Women's Day in March and thinking, where did women's empowerment go? The scissors-like spring breeze in February brought about the incompetence and systemic collapse of the Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl. The heart-wrenching news has repeatedly sparked discussions that should not have been discussions. Women, women, girls, girls, how important is the word "female"?

Text rules:

The main style of the second call for contributions is modern poetry , and the theme of the poetry is not limited , but the poetry should not be less than 5 lines . The writing restriction is that the word "女" or the part of "女" must not appear in all Chinese characters in the entire poem (including the title) . For example, the character "好" will be restricted, and the character "Miao" will not appear. The required character "Yao" must not be included. "Zi Bin" magazine accepts submissions in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

[For other terms, please refer to the launch of "Zi Bin" magazine: the origin of the concept and the first issue of the call for papers ]

Selected poetry collection of the second issue of "Zi Bin" magazine [in no particular order]

1. @想失工的熊熊《Anxiety》

[Author's Notes]: In a quiet night, it is easier for people to feel anxious, because it seems that the world is only you and yourself, you have to face yourself, face your heart, and deal with anxiety, and facing your heart makes people painful, but it is not a nostalgia, but a proof of being alive.


Author: Liu Xiang


Beating hard in the silent night



it is necessary to be human

with this annoying heartbeat

is the reason for life

[Introduction to the author]: Liu Xiang @想病工作的熊——

People who often feel that they have a lot to say, but dare not say it boldly.

2. @Arstin Chen "Whispers"

[Author's Words] I have racked my brains to imagine countless words, and I want to tell you. After a lot of hard work and care about every word, I finally completed the truth that I want to tell you. In the most important moments of life, in the journey of life where only you and I walk hand in hand in the light, this is for you, swear.


Author: Arstin Chen

been practicing for a long time

In the days when a person can breathe by himself

Carefully look for the tokens left by each other in the previous life

lingering in dark and rainy wet basins

I found you in the world

glowing shards

It turns out that I only want to breathe for you

illuminated by you

Your face is gentle and hot at dusk

Carefully collect before dawn

I once bowed my head and fell asleep, hugging each other sadly, and then

At last the bell of a lifetime has come to ring

Let's promise, most vulgar

Also the most romantic eachother

I heard that the oath was engraved on the stone thousands of years ago

May we know each other and stay together, from now on

life is food and drink

Daily life is all about washing stones with pillows

we are always content

If one day we must separate, it must be

After the cliff in the distance is ground into the consummation of this life

heaven and earth together

Nai dare to break with the king

【Author Profile】: Arstin Chen @Arstin Chen ——

Candidate for Ph.D. in the Department of Chinese at Soochow University in Taiwan; likes Du Mu and Zhang Ailing; likes Wong Kar Wai and also likes Li Cangdong, and is a serious fan of literature, movies and dramas. At the same time, he also operates a fan page "Yinghua Case", vowing to pick up those beautiful and moving moments scattered in the light and shadow with words.

3. @林黑娘《Qin Ming》

[Author's Words] Tell a story, tell a real story about her.

Qin Ming

Author: Lin Mo Niang


also talkative

also love noodles

also wear skirts

also sing

also raped

also trafficked

Also locked in a dog cage

It was a dark day too

also clothes are torn

Also forced to bed by several men

not even a bed

also cry

also shout


decades of time

Also changed from a little to a disabled

the brutality exposed

it works?


It didn't work, it didn't work, and neither did the exposure.

Forgot to tell you, those are also missing a gender

add it, you will understand

Sometimes gender is a natural advantage.

[Introduction to the author] Lin Mo Niang @林黑娘——

My words have guns, knives, flowers, thorns and bullets.

4. @Lazy cat "Let me not look like me"

【Author's words】What should I be like? I don't know the answer, but there are always too many reasons that make me not like me.

make me not like me

Author: lazy cat

cut off long hair

Lower your throat

can't be yourself

flat chest

dark skin

it shouldn't be me

like a boy

blend into the crowd

can't be yourself

for others

forget yourself

it shouldn't be me

cover hide

Pretend to give up

make me not like me

【About the Author】Lazy Cat @拉着的猫——

A girl living in her own world, separated from the world by a car window, a tiny fish in a bottle, but wants to be a lazy cat. Today, I am still searching for myself in literature.

5. @Meforzoe "Blind Mountain - Don't Watch Before Sleeping"

[Author's Note] After watching the movie "Blind Mountain".

Do not watch "Blind Mountain" before going to bed

Author: MeforZoe

Saw "Blind Mountain"




blind is the eye

blind is the heart

Blind is the law

Blind for money, it seems

man blind

men can take it for granted

violence for granted

Everyone is blind

In the face of authoritative uniforms and murderous pistols

They took the shovel of life

Lying before the wheel and risking my life

Just to get back what was originally stolen

things are people

people, not things

gender blind

They, can refer to all males

Can also refer to everyone regardless of gender

They bully him who is not them

hurt yourself

crazy soul

if you have a knife

no matter the cost

get them on the road early

【Author Profile】MeforZoe @Meforzoe ——

Thinking too much and worrying a lot, I also liked writing when I was in school, but I hated writing essays the most! Successfully trained as a medium-level "fake bone inscription" examination machine. When I grow up and encounter emotional depression, I will use words to scold the world.

6. @闲古《Gravel》

[Author's Note] Although there is a bondage that cannot carry the word "female", I also want to evoke the sensibility of a female perspective that will not be restrained. If I were a grain of sand, a grain of sand in early spring, would I rejoice in spring and Jingming, would I care about my own vague desires, would I wander between the possibility of the three thousand worlds and the soft resonance? So I pretended to imagine the fate of the gravel, smashed the logic and cause and effect, and got this clumsy work.


Author: Xiangu

I ran away in the middle of the night

chant without words

dance without feet

The signal of the south wind

silhouette for the moon

landed a sirius

Prophecy for Snow White

the future disappears into the past

confuse vergence

to deliberately meet

parting with random


Time to ride the wind

it won't last long


I want to meet

A pair of weeping eyes

[About the Author] Xiangu @边古——

A person who cannot live without "useless use" thinks more than he does. At present, I bid farewell to the mental work of Party A and Party B for the time being, and have time to write some self-satisfying words. Woolf said that the premise of freedom of writing is to have a room of one's own and be rich, so my life's delusion is to use writing to unlock the rich buff.


The purpose of re-editing the collection of the second issue of "Zi Bin" magazine is to present "Zi Bin" magazine in the form of a collection to readers and creators who like and want to collect Writing NFT ; but when the six selected poems were broken down and divided into lines, I read each one carefully again, and I really like it! Then I thought, "Poetry Special Issue" will continue at intervals (the fourth issue will be a poetry special issue), to encourage creators and poets who love poetry and like #restricted writing to participate and present poetry to readers.

[The background pattern of the cover is generated by playground ai and synthesized by "Zi Bin" magazine. 】


支持《字縛》就是支持#限制性寫作 華文創作者,讓熱愛文字的人在這個園地盡情遊戲!😊