Miracle Heart Lamp - There is light in life, it always shines

This article is only dedicated to all the friends who have been encouraged, commented and shared by Miracle Broadcasting in the past. There are many more that I haven't mentioned, but in my heart I always thank you for being in my life. I'm Miracle, and I thank you for coming and going. I am always here, lighting a light. Miracle heart lamp, we share with each other.
Christmas is approaching, and the garden is full of light at night.

Dear dear friend:

I know that I am small, and I have never dared to ask for too much. There is a shy soul in my heart who is trying to summon courage, so I find sustenance for myself through writing, and stumble on the road of life. Yes, I have stumbled and stumbled over hundreds of thousands of times along the way, falling and climbing, climbing and falling, and I can't remember how many times.

Despite this, he still struggled to climb the path of birth, creating, painting, literature, art, and doing everything he could grasp, with a foolishness of believing that he could. Learn what you can learn, read classic wisdom in books, watch drama music, listen to humanities lectures.

I study design and Chinese, and they are not the most outstanding among them, just because I like them. Due to his special physical condition, he started to reorganize himself accordingly. When I wrote the way of life, countless words began to pop up in my heart, and before I could stop it, I unconsciously wrote it down.

When I was writing, I was a different me. I was in a state of inspiration and I was free to write and write a lot of good sentences that I didn't even know myself. Yes, I dare to say a good sentence, after all, it is not the usual words I would write. So I know that the nib of the pen temporarily becomes a miracle when I write, and I'm in the place where the miracle is broadcast, allowing inspiration to flow freely.

I had to write. I write about the body, write about health, talk about life and death, talk about nature, and talk about healing. The article often talks about love and light, and it is the same truth: life is always shining.

In fact, where am I qualified to say the so-called "reason"? There are many powerful people. I was easily overwhelmed by the crowd. Yes, I am so small. Even at this very moment, to those of you who clicked into this article and read this, I want to stress it again: I'm just a little nameless pawn, and I'm not saying anything that you should fully believe, and in the end You can only believe in yourself.

However, I am honored that you can read this article, because it has the honor to be read by you. For this I want to tell you one thing: there is light in life, and it always shines .

If you can't see it, then you just haven't realized it, because it is you who shines. When you feel that your vision is completely dark, please try to clear your eyes first, and look deeply into your body to have a dialogue with your heart. You will see a splendid sight— your heart lamp is always shimmering .

I'm Miracle, and I thank all of you who have stopped by and stopped at the Miracle Broadcasting Station.

@MiSa @wubi, your encouragement makes me extremely excited and grateful. When I read Misa's introduction, my eyes were red in disbelief, and I was willing to share the witch pen here with my friends in the article. Your actions mean a lot to me, and this article was born in one go.

When I am not in the state of writing, I am timid, afraid of life, quiet, and worry a lot. I am a human being, with my own ideas and persistence, preferences and paranoia. Very easy to withdraw, as long as it is frightened, it will withdraw to its nest. Never been great, always faced life with trepidation. This is me, a delicate and sensitive me who can easily cause my own pain.

But at the same time, the person with scars all over the body and the one who has been through all the hard work is also me. The scars on my body due to my illness, and the scabs on my heart due to emotional influences, these make up who I am today. Then, in writing, I re-exposed these wounds, combed them sentence by sentence, and wrote down the past that directly hit the wounds.

It takes a lot of courage to open a sore, and I'm not brave, I just hope it heals properly. Therefore, I wrote for a long time and very slowly in my life. It took me more than a year to write before I could finally face the memories of my school days and embrace my past self. Writing this is not to win applause or sympathy, but a kind of proof and affirmation for myself. Tell yourself there's nothing to be afraid of, you've been through this, so what's there to worry about?

So, as I write, I want to believe that I have nothing to fear . Even though I am still worried, confused, doubtful and uneasy, or even always feel that I am not good enough and self-doubt. I kept asking myself if what I said was one with my heart? It is a kind of persistence, similar to spiritual beliefs and ideas, but it has nothing to do with religion, everything depends on the distance between me and myself. Almost perfect and demanding, the goal is just: to be worthy of yourself.

You could say it's silly and naive. And I am convinced that where I focus, the things that manifest will be so. So I have the privilege of meeting you and how grateful I am to be seen by you. The countless old and new friends who have brought encouragement, dialogue, and silent support, I always remember every face that often comes to communicate here. Thank you for stopping to see me.

I was first introduced by Pathfinder to write here, the enthusiastic, lively and generous sloth, and the bottle that encouraged me to take a big step forward when I hesitated. At the same time, I also met a partner who is also writing on Matters. them. The little sun who is gentle and firm in her heart and taught me many precious things, the four seasons that depict the balance between life and music, the cat who also loves cats and has an elegant temperament like the girl next door, the pen that has its own style with poetry and prose, Kayledi, who is always cheerful and willing to share, a small tree, a companion who grows in a corner with warmth and silently shrinks together, Daxia who has unique insights and occasional sharpness, and Nakumo who keeps striving in life but still maintains a tenacity worthy of my admiration. , sharing the difficult life in Germany, Utu and so on. You have given me the confidence and strength to believe that I am not magic, but real.

So I came and met more people here. At first, the newcomer was greeted by many senior literary friends who were enthusiastic about the newcomer. Then I found all kinds of good hearts, and I was surprised to meet MiSa who shared German culture, big and small, and shared many similarities in body and mind. She spoke earnestly and words with pearls. No matter when she read it, Ms. Yan Qiu, who always spoke out loud and encouraged, really helped me. Bringing positive energy, the article makes me read almost every collection, bright sunshine and exudes a warm afternoon atmosphere, the food always makes my heart flutter, insists on sharing every day in Denmark, the perseverance is amazing and admirable Danielson , The pictures and texts are philosophical and poetic, but the speech is very realistic, Yang Yu, who is quite self-aware, Lily Chen, who has recently followed but admired and is very gentle and strong, and gave me full feedback every time I see it. The heart-warming Tiger Lord, the warm-hearted Tangyuan doctor who is enthusiastic about public welfare, and the painting and literary friend Shali. There are also Yunxun83, Gu Dairen, Reading Bigen, Small Farmer Daily, Erica, Cat Traveling [Erica], Chocolate, Nianguangge, Daily News for Office Workers, who always gave me encouragement and encouragement when I first wrote the article. , Esther Merlot, etc. Who has been here, I always remember and cherish in my heart.

I will not tag, no-names will not disturb anyone, and I will see the above-mentioned literary friends who can read it is a fate, so God will bring you to see the words. This is a small gift for you and an encouragement to yourself for your own efforts to manifest. I don't say anything against my heart, and I rarely express my gratitude by naming names in the text. This is as thin-skinned as I can show sincerity as much as possible: I have received your love. Accepting but not rejecting indecent manners is also a man who must be sincere and sincere, and maintain good morals. Times change, but some things will not change, although some old-fashioned, I have always followed this point.

Perhaps this article is just the tip of the pile among the many discourses, after all, everyone has a lot to share these days. It's normal if it isn't discovered, and you should be surprised if it is seen. So my friends who can read this, I want to say a few words to you:

Thank you for being here.
Thank you for finding me around the corner.
Thank you, dear friend.

I'm Miracle, and I thank you for coming and going. I am always here, lighting a light. Miracle heart lamp, we share with each other.

Love is in the light, bless you all.

Where there is love in the light, there are no more obstacles.

PS: I found that I could never understand the meaning of the event, and I often misunderstood it. It was easy to be confused, so I stopped participating. This article is only dedicated to all the friends who have been encouraged, commented and shared by Miracle Broadcasting in the past. There are many friends that I have not mentioned. In my heart, I always thank you, who have come to my life. May abundance and goodness be with you always.

 ※The release date of this article: 2021/12/11. This article is exclusive to Matters.
※All rights reserved, those who wish to reprint must inform in advance, and infringement must be investigated.

【About my haunting place】
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✨Contact Email: miraclewu000@gmail.com


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