Conditions when studying in the US

Conditions for studying in the US are always an issue of concern for many young people. To successfully realize your dream of studying in the US, you need to meet specific academic requirements

Conditions for studying in the US are always an issue of concern for many young people. To successfully realize your dream of studying in the US, you need to meet specific requirements regarding academic ability, financial capacity, English proficiency, experience and skills. This article will provide detailed information about the conditions for studying in the US. This will be useful knowledge to help you fully prepare to conquer your dream of studying in the US.

I/ Conditions for studying in the US

To be able to study abroad in the US, students need to meet the following conditions:

- Academic performance: This is the most important factor in your US study abroad application. The grade point average (GPA) for all years of grades 10, 11, and 12 must be 7.0 or higher. In addition, scores on important exams such as SAT, IELTS, and TOEFL also need to be high.

- Financial capacity: You need to prove your ability to pay annual tuition and living expenses in the US. The cost is about $35,000 - $55,000/year depending on the school and state.

- Personal background: No history of crime or serious violations, good health. For Vietnamese students, a passport and health certificate are required.

Conditions when studying in the US

- Letter of encouragement: A letter written by teachers, friends, and acquaintances to evaluate your personality and abilities.

- Application and scholarship documents: Including transcripts, application letters, essays, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation...

- Proof of English proficiency: TOEFL IBT from 79, IELTS from 6.5 or higher depending on the school.

- US student visa interview: Pass the interview and be granted an F1 visa.

Thus, the long-term strategy is to strive to study well from now on and practice good English communication skills. Accumulate applications for scholarships and student visas systematically.

II/ Costs when studying in the US

Costs when studying in the US

Studying in the US is the dream of many young Vietnamese people. However, the cost of studying in the US is quite expensive. Below are expenses to keep in mind when planning to study abroad in the US:

- Tuition: About $25,000 - $45,000 per year for public schools, depending on major and state. Private schools have higher tuition, about $50,000 a year.

- Living expenses: Estimated about $15,000 - $20,000 per year including rent, meals, transportation, books and other needs. Costs are higher for big cities like New York and Los Angeles.

- Health insurance: About $1,000 - $2,000 per year. Required to purchase to have medical examination and treatment rights in the US.

- Study abroad application: The cost of making a study application and visa is about $1,000 - $2,000.

- Airfare: $1,000 - $2,000 for round-trip tickets from Vietnam to the US.

- Additional expenses: About $3,000 - $5,000 per year for books, school supplies, travel, entertainment...

Thus, the total cost per year is about $40,000 - $70,000. This is a very large number, so you need to have careful financial preparation before deciding to study in the US. You should learn about scholarships, loans, and savings options to be able to meet all expenses during your study abroad process.

>>> Contact Study Abroad Online for more useful information!

III/ Is it easy to settle down when studying in the US?

After graduation, many international students want to be able to stay in the US to work and settle. However, this is not simple.

Advantages of applying for US residency:

- Get used to American life and culture after many years of studying abroad.

- Have degrees from reputable schools, making it easier to apply for a job.

- Some states allow international students to work part-time during their studies to gain experience.

Difficulties in applying for permanent residence:

- Must find an American company to sponsor an immigrant visa with strict conditions.

- Procedures are complicated, time-consuming and costly.

- High competition when applying for limited green visa and H1B visas.

- Finding a suitable job is also difficult.

Therefore, instead of aiming for long-term settlement, many international students choose to stay in the US for 1-2 years after graduation to work and then return home. This also helps improve job opportunities and brings many benefits.

Thus, with strict conditions, high costs and difficulties in settling down, studying in the US is only really suitable for those who are carefully prepared academically, financially and with clear goals. Carefully consider your strengths and weaknesses to make the best decision. Wishing you success in realizing your dream of studying in the US soon!


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