Why does life have a sense of ritual?

Cakes for birthdays, barbecues for Mid-Autumn Festival, and graduation ceremonies wear bachelor's uniforms. These ceremonies may seem too old-fashioned and meaningless to many people, but without these ceremonies, will our lives be less memorable?

Recently, I heard the podcast program "Taiwan's No. 1 Commuter Brand" mention that when the host and his father were chatting, they found that the relatives who lost during this epidemic could not remember when they left and the exact reason.

After scrutinizing the reason, I found that it happened at the time when the epidemic was at its worst, so I didn't participate in the farewell ceremony and other activities, so I didn't have much memory. When I think of these relatives and friends, I quietly disappear from my life and feel sorry.

Recently, I was also moved to another world because of my close relatives, and I felt very deeply.

As the relative's recent recurrence after battling cancer for eight years was incurable with various chemotherapy and drugs, at the final stage, he chose to leave with dignity and spend his final days in the hospice ward.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, except for a nursing family member, the rest of the relatives and friends were unable to go to the ward to say their final goodbyes.

Even her husband and son couldn't be by his side at the last moment.

Fortunately, life has gradually normalized, farewell ceremonies and public sacrifices can still be carried out as normal, and everyone will not be prevented from going because of fear of the epidemic.

While participating in the farewell ceremony, think that although these ceremonies may be difficult for us to really understand the true meaning of these ceremonies. But because I came here in person, I watched all my relatives and friends here, and said their final goodbyes to the deceased together. Even though the pain in our hearts could not be over just like this, we all participated in this process and left memories in our hearts.

In addition to the sad ceremony, since the birth of the concubine, whether it is Gege or Didi, every year when the two brothers celebrate their birthdays, we will buy cakes and help them sing a happy birthday song.

As long as you look at the backed up Google Photos on your mobile phone, you can see the photos of the two brothers taking pictures with the cake every year.

Looking at the photos, you will be reminded of who bought the cake, where you went to have a big dinner to celebrate your birthday, and what gifts may have been given.

Such a small sense of ritual, constantly accumulating, also makes life more memories.

Whether it is a happy or sad ceremony, it has its function!


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