Floating in troubled times <The Crying Game>


The IRA sends Judy (played by Miranda Richardson),

Seduces Judy (Freth Whitaker), an African-American soldier, at a garden party.

When the two were preparing to roll sheets in the haystack,

Someone kidnapped him in a cloth bag and imprisoned him in a deserted suburban hut,

It is overseen by Falk (played by Stephen Riel).

Their leader Peter was very strict with Judy,

No food or water, no hoods, no talking to him.

However, Fokker violated the rules and kept talking with Judy about the details of life.

He loves football and misses his girlfriend in London.

Falk relented and brought Judy food, water, and took off the black cloth cover,

Let him "see the light again" and breathe fresh air.

When taking him out to the toilet, Judy escaped when he was unprepared.

When he ran out of the trail and headed towards the Lianwai Road, he was run over to death by a rapidly approaching tank.

Fokker, who was chasing behind him, was horrified when he saw this scene, and when the angry Judy scolded and stomped,

The military planes came and bombed the Republican hideout with superior shells,

The ground troops even fired mercilessly with machine guns, destroying everyone, grass and trees here.

Fokker didn't get in Peter's car, he went on foot, took a boat to London, got a job as a plasterer,

After a while, I found the hair salon of Judy's girlfriend Dale (played by Jay Davidson).

Go in for a haircut, wait for her shop to close, follow her to the pub to order a bottle of beer, and approach her.

Obviously the two are so close, Dai Er poses to ask the bartender to help spread the word,

The bartender went back and forth, asking and answering, busy and cheerful.

Fokker saw that Dale was very popular, and there were men who were entangled with Dale.

Fokker stepped forward to help and was punched several times.

Dale took him back to the house and rubbed the medicine on his cheek.

Falk saw a lot of pictures of Judy, with his football team's jersey.

Dale asked his name? He said: Jimmy, a plasterer.

Fokker had come to tell Dale the news of Judy's death.

Every time I hear her talk about how her brother is,

Fokker was upset, bad, he fell in love with Dai Er.

Dai Er also likes him and invites him to stay overnight. When the two of them can't help themselves, when Dai Er pulls off the bathrobe...

Fokker, who kissed her navel, jumped up from the bed like being stung, rushed into the bathroom and vomited on the toilet...

Alas~ It turns out that Dai Er is a boy!

The bartender laughed when Fokker complained,

He thought Fokker was in the know, like everyone here,

Knowing that Dai Er likes to wear women's clothes and dress up as a charming woman,

Bees and butterflies are attracted everywhere, and everyone is not surprised.

The mighty Judy finds Fokker,

Ask him to assassinate a member of Congress, and if he fails to complete the task, kill Dale.

Dale didn't know that Fokker wanted to kill her in order to protect her, but she couldn't do it and let the target go.

Judy wanted to come to the door to kill and settle accounts, but Dale tied him up and couldn't move!

When Dale saw Judy breaking in, she regarded it as a rival in love who came to be jealous and rob a man.

Without further ado, beat Judy and take the gun from her,

Bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~bang, beat her into a hornet's nest!

Because of guilt and with a sense of redemption, Fokker told Dale to leave quickly before the police came.

He was convicted of murder and went to prison to serve his sentence.

When Dale went to visit, Fogg told him the fable that Judy had told him:

A frog and a scorpion are going to cross the river,

The scorpion asked the frog to carry it across the river, but the frog refused, but the scorpion promised not to sting it.

Unexpectedly, the scorpion stung the frog halfway, causing them to sink into the water,

Before dying, the frog asked: Why did he sting me when he knew he would die?

Scorpion replied: Nature dictates.

Falk told Dill that falling in love with him would inevitably set her on fire, but he still couldn't resist the temptation.

"In troubled times" is a 1992 British film.

The story takes place in London based on the problems of Northern Ireland at that time.

The love story between Stephen Riel, the actor who participated in the Radical Republican Army of Northern Ireland, and a transgender person,

The director handled it very witty,

Especially the horny Stephen Riel saw that the "woman" Jay Davidson he loved turned out to be a man,

When he ran into the bathroom and vomited, he couldn't help laughing, and Fokker was thrown by Judy.

Stephen Riel knew that Dale was a boy and struggled to avoid it,

When Dale went to the construction site to find him in person, she still gave in to her feelings.

The theme song "The Crying Game" is often used as an episode or soundtrack for many movies.

When the prelude came out, the momentum made the audience feel that this was not an ordinary story.


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