Knowing but not doing it, reflect on your attitude in words

Started with a little story about nails, and also talked about some examples and teachings

Please let Xiaolu repent today...

Let's look at a little story first:

There was a boy who had a bad temper and often got into conflict with people. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that whenever he lost his temper, he would drive a nail into the backyard fence.

On the first day, the boy nailed 37 nails, the boy felt a little embarrassed, am I so angry? When he started noticing that he got angry easily. Slowly, the number of nails the boy took each day decreased.

He found it easier to control his temper than to drive a nail.
Finally one day, the boy will not lose his patience and lose his temper.

He told his father about it, and his father told him again that whenever he could control his temper and not get angry, he would pull out a nail.

Days passed, and finally the boy told his father that he had pulled all the nails out.

His father took him by the hand and led him to the fence, pointed to the fence and said to the boy, "You're doing well, but look at the hole in the fence, the fence will never go back to the way it used to be. Words you say leave a scar on someone's heart like a nail. No matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will always be there."

The deer is repenting....

Today, let's not say that we want to use knives to hurt people. It's difficult for us to kill chickens with our own hands, but to hurt people with casual words is simple. It can even be said that we often do... ..
Words hurt.
And it's easy.....

Injuring people is too fast, making up and recovering, but it takes time and energy, and it may not be successful. The worst thing is that we may not have the opportunity to make up for it. . . .

Here, let Xiaolu let go of the cat that was harassed by Xiaolu yesterday~

The weirdo is back

If there is a follow-up to the little story just now, I think it might be like this:

The boy was very sad: "Dad, I know I'm wrong, what should I do? There are always these holes in the fence. I used to get angry with people and left wounds in others' hearts."

Dad squatted down and said to the child, "Your fault is also Dad's fault. I didn't set a good example and didn't find this problem early. You can face up to the mistakes you have made and are willing to face them. Dad is proud of this. I have What a good kid."
"Next, Dad will accompany you to apologize to those who have been hurt by your temper, and then we will change together and become a person who will face his own mistakes and a person who will improve."

The teacher of Xiaolu online marketing once left a message on his FB saying:

Children are older, and many conversations should be careful.

Talk to your child every day, from companionship, homework, bathing, bedtime, play, and find yourself to be careful with your words. A lot of times, he sees what you do and say, and unintentionally becomes like you.

Teaching by example is not easy, because in the adult world, there are many casual conversations that children cannot understand.

What do you say, how does he learn.

Parents also learn a lot from their children.

Dad was driving the kids to the summer camp today, and his tone was so loud that it even hurt him a little. As soon as the father reacted, he immediately apologized to his son, explained to him why his father was angry just now, and sincerely apologized for his wrong tone.

The child replied sensible to his father and said, "I'm not right either. It's my attitude that made you angry. Dad, I'm sorry."

At this point, it's just that Xiaolu thinks and reviews herself after reading the short story, and is moved by the parent-child dialogue she saw with the teacher later... The problem doesn't end here....

Let's take a look at the cat who was harassed by the deer yesterday, what happened later~
(It thinks I'm too close to take the picture and jumps down to leave...)

Only shoot? No dim sum?

The deer has also done something wrong recently....
Xiaolu has a good friend who is very affectionate with each other. Because they are familiar with each other, they will joke around. He was infected with the virus a while ago, and he will send a gift to Xiaolu when he is healed. For some reason, the phone book in his mobile phone has disappeared. I called and asked Xiaolu's phone number to fill in the consignment note, and I said you were brain foggy!

He didn't tell me until he came home after sending the package. He was in a bad mood recently. I still didn't take it seriously. After a few casual jokes, he told me.... His wife is more than two months pregnant. And then miscarried….

The couple went from happy to disappointed...  

Although I immediately apologized to him, he didn't blame me. On the one hand, it was because I didn't know, and he didn't say anything. Basically, because of customs, there were few people who knew about it. Plus his temper was good. He also often speaks informally.

The problem is that this is not something that the deer can rely on to speak lightly. …

Xiaolu told him, I know you don't blame me, but I still feel sorry for you. I bullied you and you have a good temper, so you speak so casually... Today, we only have a chance to apologize if we know each other. Stuck in my personality, I'm going to lose a friend.

Even if it's not a friend, it's not the basis for me to laugh at random....
My own attitude, to put it bluntly, is that I don't value my own words, I don't value the opportunity to communicate with others, I don't respect myself or others....

It also made Xiaolu find out again that there are some things I know, but I don't do.

The above is Xiaolu's self-reflection today... I hope I can learn a lesson and change!
As for yesterday's cat, after confirming that I didn't have any snacks, I turned around and left~

Go cat go go cat!!!


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