The mystery of Xuzhou iron chain girl's child gap

"Fortunately, family planning in that place is still managed by someone"

After the exposure of a woman in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, who was chained to give birth to 8 children, attentive netizens discovered a strange place: the woman's eldest son was 23 years old, but the second son was only 12 years old. That means she went 11 years without a baby after (probably forced) to give birth to her firstborn, and then suddenly, starting in 2009, (probably forced) to give birth to 7 children (6 boys and 1 girl) in quick succession.

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Why is there an 11-year birth gap in between?

Some netizens suspect that her 11-year-old child was a girl, who was killed or sold by the Dong family. But from a physiological point of view, it seems unreasonable that all the children she gave birth naturally in the 11 years without birth control were girls.

I read an article on CDT in the past few days, " At the Bottom of the River of Time | The Autobiography of an Abducted Woman ", and this mystery was solved at once.

In this article, the Zhejiang woman who was born in 1977 said that when she was a child, she lacked family warmth because her parents preferred sons to daughters. Jiangxi's "boyfriend" was taken back to his hometown in Jiangxi, imprisoned, and forced to give birth to a boy.

She did not become a reproductive tool like the Xuzhou women did, because family planning was still very strict at that time. " Fortunately, family planning in that place is still managed by someone ": after she gave birth to a boy, she was placed on the ring by the family planning commission and had to wait. It takes 6 years to take the ring and continue to have a baby. Later, her grandfather found her and tried every means to take her out.

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But even if she left Jiangxi, where she was kidnapped, imprisoned, forced to give birth, and often beaten, this nightmare still did not end. The Jiangxi family kept finding her and harassing her and her family. Until she had to marry another man and have a baby, those Jiangxi people gave up.

It is unbelievable that when the court judged her to divorce the Jiangxi native, it did not accept the statement that she was kidnapped, imprisoned, forced to give birth and often beaten, but ordered her to pay her son's alimony until he became an adult.

Comparing the experience of the Zhejiang woman with the Xuzhou woman, the mystery of the 11-year birth gap was solved at once: It was precisely because of the strict implementation of family planning in most parts of the country in the late 1990s that the Xuzhou woman must have also Like her, she was put on the ring after being forced to give birth to a son, so she did not have another child for 11 years.

Around 2009, because Yi Fuxian, Yang Zhizhu and others hyped up anti-contraception, the family planning policy was gradually loosened, and the birth interval stipulated by the Family Planning Commission was only about 6 years, so the woman in Xuzhou must have been pulled by the Dong family. In the next ten years or so, it became a breeding tool for the Dong family, giving birth to seven children one after another.

Patriarchal thinking + "free fertility" (also known as more sons and more happiness) is the main culprit behind the miserable situation of women in Xuzhou. The "human rights" fighters and "women's rights" fighters inadvertently acted as accomplices in the murder of Xuzhou women. The experience of the Zhejiang woman proves that family planning has indeed protected the reproductive rights of women to have fewer children to a certain extent.


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