We all have the ability to do our part to be lucky in the eyes of others

Nicy 分享日常

When the universe gives us more resources than the average person,

Remember to help them instead of being arrogant and belittling others.

And if you think you're a resourceless person,

Please don't forget: there are always people who are better than us,

There are always people who need resources more than us.

We are all capable of doing something for others,

Big or small, more or less.

Because of sincere help,

It's whether you care and care, not the size of things.

things that are small in your eyes,

Maybe it's the help someone is looking for.

Hope to share today,

Helping everyone grow together and is more willing to help others.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Nicy 分享日常喜歡哲學, 正能量,還有分享一些生活上有趣的領悟。 如果你也像我一樣喜歡接收正能量,散播正能量, 不妨按下追蹤,點個讚給予我力量。
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